Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What answers are these job application question people looking for??

"what attracted us to your company"

"What personality/characteristics do you possess which are going to be helpful to your job performance with us?" (relating to customer service)

What kinds of answers are these employers looking for?
What answers are these job application question people looking for??
They are basically trying to find out if you're a good fit. Be honest, since you don't want to misrepresent yourself and then end up in job you aren't happy with. Basically be positive, and just tell them why you want to work there. I assume you researched the company, so just tell them how what you learned about them makes it seem like you'd be an asset to them. Do they say they value customer service and you like working with people? Do they value efficiency and you can get things done fast? Stuff like that.
Reply:Here's my two cents...


What do you know about the organization? Have you studied their web site? Do you embrace their Mission Statement? Are you going to be comfortable working there or a good fit for the organization? If you are working for PETA and like to wear fur all the time, you may not be a good fit.


They basically want to learn what YOU think makes a good customer service person. Are you friendly? Are you a good listener? Do you enjoy working with diverse groups of people? Do you perform well under pressure? How well do you handle criticism?

The company basically wants to know how hiring you will benefit the company. Your answers need to confirm that you understand the question being asked and reaffirm your readiness for the position. Your answers need to be stated in such a way that they are a benefit to the company. For example, instead of simply saying "I'm a good listener," you might want to say "I'm a good listener. I think that's important in customer service, because sometimes, a customer simply wants to be heard. They want to know that the company cares about their feelings. If a person is a good listener, they will have a better understanding of the customer's needs and concerns, and that's what providing good customer service is all about."

See, that's turning YOUR skill into a BENEFIT for the company.

Good luck.
Reply:Well, I'd say you were attracted to the company by whatever made you want to go in there and get a job application. for example: If I was applying at an ice cream parlor, I'd say 'I waas attracted to your company because the last time I came here as a customer, the staff were incredibly friendly and helpful, and I would like to be a part of a team like that.'

As for the personality/characteristics section: 'I am outgoing, helpful, intuitive, hard working, charismatic, professional, etc. etc.....and I feel that if I were to work for your company I would be able to apply all of these genuine characteristics to my position and be able to fully work up to your standards of (position)'

Good Luck!

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