Wednesday, August 5, 2009

New job - looking for advice on handling stress.?

I just started a new job and feel tremendous anxiety and stress. I'm on a huge learning curve - my work is similar to other jobs but the industry is a new one to me. I feel like there is way too much work for one person to handle and I'm scared of failing. Any tips on coping with stress related to starting a new job?
New job - looking for advice on handling stress.?
A good rule of thumb is that it takes about 3 months to feel comfortable in a new job, and 6 months to start feeling like you know what you're doing. Until then, do everything you can to set boundaries for yourself...don't get into the trap of working lots of overtime or bending over backwards to please people. You are going to need time to yourself to just decompress and have fun with other parts of your life. Over the next few weeks, you'll find a person or two that you start to trust and bond with, and that can be very helpful to have a "go-to" person that looks out for you and wants you to succeed.
Reply:I identify totally. I always go through this. Right now I'm interviewing and go through it like a new job each time.

The main thing is to believe in yourself. They would not have hired you unless they felt you could do the job. (I am in recruiting). Also realize that all people go through it - it's not just us.

Keep a since of humor about your mistakes. Ask questions but think the problem through first to see if you can figure it out. You don't want to sound stupid.

And take care of yourself with lots of rest, breakfast in the morning is a must, and take small high-protein snacks to keep in your desk. I think nuts are the best. You do not want to get shakey and realize you should have eaten something. No coffee for now either. And finally - meditation - deep breaths in and slow exhales and repeat "I will be fine and I will do this job well".

Good luck

Andi, HR Spec
Reply:i'm starting tomorrow a new position tomorrow so i'm in the same boat - little bit of a different situation. Same company/industry, completely different department. i'm soooo nervous! sorry i don't have any advice; just wanted to wish you luck...i'm sure we'll be fiiine..hopefully? hehe
Reply:It generally takes 1 to 2 months to get settled into a new job. Once it becomes a routine, you will look back and laugh that you were that uptight. give it some time.

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