Sunday, August 9, 2009

I'm looking for a job as a moose whisperer.?

Could someone give me advice, reference tips, stories from the field? I really want to help the meese. Anything at all would be appreciated.
I'm looking for a job as a moose whisperer.?
^Good luck with that. By the way whether it's one or more it's moose not meese or mooses for that matter.

Okay Rocky the site below will give you some facts on Bullwinkle.
Reply:Hon, Moose have really bad tempers so if you get close enough to one to whisper you are dead meat. Sorry to burst your bubble.....
Reply:I really like this query thanks for the laugh. BTW, be wary of those dang antlers.
Reply:lol.....move to the mountains! I have meeses wandering around all day up here
Reply:Rocky has that job sewn up I believe.
Reply:lol. I suggest tough outer clothing - maybe something padded with foam - a real ability with moose impressions, retractable platform shoes - even if you are quite tall - so you can reach their ears to whisper and retractable so you can run away fast when they don't like what you say. Oh, and a large supply of cheese.
Reply:Yea, as Redfower says, good luck with that. But if you're determined, load up the truck with sweet feed and give it a try. What's the worst that could happen?
Reply:check this link its good



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