Sunday, August 9, 2009

I am looking for a paperound job around the brighton area. were could i find one?

i have tried the local newsagent and they do not have any. where else could i try. i live in henfield, a small village near brighton.
I am looking for a paperound job around the brighton area. were could i find one?
sometimes supermarkets do them. there is a co-op in my area that does them
Reply:Just go to any local news agend and look around each nesagent your sure to find a placement :)

Army guy looking for a contract job in Kuwait, can someone help me?

Hi, Im looking for a contract job in Kuwait. I would prefer an administrative position since I have a bachelors in Management. Im also currently deployed in Kuwait at knb naval base with the army and am going to ets before I leave. Ive been in for 7 years as an artilleryman and an mp. Anyone have any ideas? I love the middle east and everything about it.

Army guy looking for a contract job in Kuwait, can someone help me?

These are some great sites to get you started.
Reply:try KBR. or brown and root. i have a friends hubby that got out of the army in april and just went over for KBR for 1 yr. i have to warn you , its 12hr days, 7 days a week, no breaks. just google the name
Reply:God, I miss Kuwait. Living there was the best thing that happened to me.

I am looking for a salesman job?

I am looking to make some extra money.
I am looking for a salesman job?
try radio... we're always looking for sales people!

Looking for job posting's as a dhec facility inspector.?

whats dhec?
gothic names

What is more important when you're looking for a new job the money or the benefit's?

Money and benefits are the RESULT of what you do, not the OBJECT.

Look for a job that uses your skills, maintains your interest and makes you feel good about getting up and going to work EVERY day.

You'll be happier, do better and make more money in the long run.

As to the original intent of your question, I'd say that salary and benefits are really just different forms of total compensation. You can easily determine the present value of most employment benefits, like health care or 401K contributions by comparing what you'd have to pay for these things if you bought them on your own.
What is more important when you're looking for a new job the money or the benefit's?
If we're ruling out the intrinsic things (such as satisfaction with the work you do, those you work with, etc.), I say that you have to consider both. Perhaps not equally, but you'll still need to consider both. For example, chances are if you're making about 40k, your company is paying about 50-52k in TOTAL compensation. Where you lean will depend on whether you're single or have a family. For example, some organizations have child care on site, or have other outsourcing arrangements that will allow you to get back up babysitting services. However, you also have to make sure the money can pay your bills, and that the salary is what it's worth for the work you'll be asked to perform.
Reply:Depends, if you get hurt, do you want to have a lot of bills that your insurance didnt pay or do you want to not have to worry about that and just worry about getting beter?
Reply:I think getting the money is more important because money may lead you to the job and the benefits.
Reply:Of course, go for more money. Most company's benefits are very close in terms of health insurance, life insurance, dental, and vision. The only big difference is the number of paid vacation days( vacation day + sick day + holidays). Beyond money and benefit, you might need to like your job.
Reply:Hey there! Money is good, you never wanna take a job w/ low pay. Benefits are very important though. They take care of your medical, dental, vision, long/short term disability if it were to happen and more. Benefits are probably more important than pay. If you were to miss work due to injury or sickness and you have good benefits package, you'll still get a pretty good share of your income coming in to help. Hope I helped you!
Reply:I think it personally depends on your own situation are you in need of medical benefits and good pay or just one only you know that answer
Reply:neither!!!!!! its the People that matters most...what good is money and benefits, if you gotta work with jerks, morons, and cows....sorry 'bout that...
Reply:Neither. The most important thing is how good the manager is for whom you will work. That is the biggest indicator of job happiness.

Does ultrasound technician's gender matters when looking for a sonographer job?

I am currently interested in becoming a ultrasound technician. However, I want to know if my job opportunities will be limited by the fact that I am a male. I understand that many common ultrasound procedures are designed to work on a more private part of female body such as breast ultrasound or transvirginal ultrasound. Being a male sonographer, am I allow to work those procedures? I guess my question is, will it be hard for a male sonographer to find a job?
Does ultrasound technician's gender matters when looking for a sonographer job?
remember in medical field gender is of no use

large percentage of successful gynecologist r males

similsrly in sonography males sonologist or tech. r more successful
Reply:I don't think it will be hard but it will rule you out for SOME jobs. BUT you may get reverse discrimination such as the female techs wanting you to do all of the testicular scans, and prostate scans. All in all I don't think it will be a problem.
Reply:that would be discrimination. a company can not do this. there are many male physicians, nurses, nursing assistants, radiology techs and ultrasound techs. all of which have to sometimes deal with the "private parts of the female body" if you conduct yourself professionally it just doesn't matter. go for it
Reply:It shouldn't cause a problem but I'm sure that would depend on the interview panel.

You would really only come across transvaginal ultrasounds if you went into gynae. I'm sure as a regular sonographer, that wouldn't be your most regular needs.

The best breast consultants/SHOs/sonographers in my local hospital are all men. The only female around was the receptionist.

I think, as a female, when we are having ultrasounds of anykind, we are at our most vunerable and we don't particularly care who is taking the ultrasound, we just want to be sure that everything is OK.

Men should not feel that they should not apply for certain roles that they feel, might cause problems.

Go for it %26amp; good luck :-)
Reply:You will waste your time, pick something else, you will have a horrible time getting a job.
Reply:There are male sonographers who perform transvaginal exams; they just need to have a female colleague in the room as a chaperon.

There are also ultrasound exams that are done by male sonographers usually, like scrotal and prostate exams.

The exams described above are taught under "general ultrasound". You can study echo and/or vascular ultrasound. Those sonographers only scan the heart and blood vessels, so gender should not be a problem there.

Looking for job as a private chef. Help?

Try putting an ad in your local newspaper want ads or put up notices at the grocery store.
Looking for job as a private chef. Help?
You can come cook at my house at any time if you can do it for room and board. I have lots of groceries, a dandy new Kitchenaide Professional 6000 and almost anything Pampered Chef sells. Can you be here by dinner time? I'll need to get something out of the freezer. Beef or Chicken?
Reply:you can come and work for me anytime, can't afford to pay you though. LoL.x

Looking for a job- should I tell them I am pregnant?

I am currently looking for a job and I am 13 weeks pregnant... showing just a little. I was wondering if I should tell them that I am pregnant when I apply for a job??

I am afraid that someone wont hire me since I am pregnant... yet, I don't want to lie- or get fired only a few weeks later.

I am thinking about applying at a daycare- should I tell them?
Looking for a job- should I tell them I am pregnant?
I think you should tell them you are the probley wil take you caue you will be having the expirence of being a parnet and later on in your life you wil become better and better after you have your child and you will be more tranied. They will probley think that you wil get better when you are a parnet so take and good luck
Reply:I would not say anything until you were hired. They have to hire for the position. This means that they can not discriminate on any level including your condition of being pregnant, not that they would but the young go-getter fresh out of college 22 year old may start to look like less of a liability than someone who will need time off in 27 weeks. Once you are hired you can then explain your situation because they can also not fire you for being pregnant. Good Luck.
Reply:if you are applying anywhere the best thing to do at this stage is not say anything, and if they ask (which they cant) then tell the truth. But they will not ask, and you should not tell until after you are officially hired. The reason being that they CANT fire you for being prego.. but they CAN make up another reason for not hiring you (since not hiring you for being prego is illegal). Keep it to yourself until you are hired.
Reply:I wouldnt go out of your way to tell them. My girlfriend had went through the same situation. It is illegal for them to not hire you due to being pregnant but it happens all the time. They just wont tell you thats why. I would say anything. Most places dont ask you if your pregnant during an interview. Once you get the job and feel comfortable spread the news! Goodluck
Reply:They can't denied you a job b/c your a pregnant you can actually sue b/c is a way of discrimination. I say go to the interview and let them know on the spot that way all the cards are on the table.
Reply:I didn't tell my job till about a month after I got the job because I was afraid that they wouldn't hire me. When I ended up telling them they didn't care. They cant fire you for the fact that your pregnant, that's discrimination. Good Luck
Reply:wait til they offer you the job then tell them. you dont legally have to tell them til 5 months
Reply:i think the daycare will be pretty accepting... but other jobs, probably not as much.
swedish names

Looking for job as a jeweller?

i can make jewelry and i have just strated learning rhino programs
Looking for job as a jeweller?
email jewelry sites like kwaxjewelry they can help u like give u jobs

Fourteen and looking for a job?

Okay this is my problem I am turning fourteen on september of next year and I want to get a job. My thing is I need help writing an email to a Business . I am looking at working at Kohl's,target,barnes and noble.

and I want to start asking for jobs now so by the time my birthday comes around I can already have job. And I was wondering could anyone help me out. it would be really nice if someone can get me a link to a website that have those kinds of letters .Thank you so much.
Fourteen and looking for a job?
Talk to your school's guidance office because you'll need a work permit and they can help you. The school often has contacts with employers so you'll have more "pull" than going it alone. In the meantime consider starting up your own business so you have a little practical experience to offer. Check out the following answer that I give to teens looking for money on the side:

Are you a teen looking for income and work experience? You’re not alone. If you read the archives of current and resolved answers here, you’ll find your question is a popular one. The responses you read will range from solid great ideas to crazy scam web sites that prey on your need for cash or independence. Just remember that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

As a young person you have the time, energy and often the equipment needed to provide solutions for your customer’s wants, needs or problems. Since business is a win-win situation you need to trade the assets that you have for what your customers have … preferably cash.

Besides reading the Answers archives, you may want to take a trip to your local library. There are a number of informative books for young people that can help to educate and motivate you. One title is “Fast Cash for Kids” by Bonnie %26amp; Noel Drew. My library collection has several others so I encourage you to talk to your Librarian about similar books. The books can help you take your business from the idea stage to actually starting and running a successful venture. Many of today’s huge corporations began at home and yours can too. Did you know that Ebay started out as a site for Pez Dispensers? Look what that small home business idea has become!

Another resource for help is a national group called Junior Achievements. While I don’t have personal experience with them, I have heard great things about them helping teen entrepreneurs like you. Check out their website at

While strangers like myself can give you all kinds of ideas on what you can or should do, your parents or family or friends can help you find opportunities that are perfect for your skills, interests and experiences. What works for one person won’t work for another.

Perhaps the most common answers that teens and tweens get to their job or business questions are babysitting, lemonade stands, mowing lawns, washing and vacuuming cars, and a few illegal ideas thrown in for fun. These things may or may not work for you. I would suggest getting a notebook or a few sheets of paper to list things that you like, are good at, and have the equipment for. This notebook can be the start of your business plan as your ideas and goals develop. Setting goals is very important because your cannot reach your goals if you have not set them. Make sure they are realistic goals.

As a teen you may not be able to work for an employer but you can develop your own business selling products, providing services, or a combination of the two for even more income. You should look into the financial and legal aspects of business to keep more of your business revenue instead of paying expenses out of your own pocket. You can get tax credits for a business cell phone, car expense, computer costs, educational needs, business cards and much more. Consider hiring a professional accountant to help get the most from your business. You will be helping your parents as well as yourself.

So… what can YOU do to earn money? Think outside of the box. You might consider the normal ideas recommended above or you may wish to branch into your own thing. Instead of babysitting, why not host puppet shows or story hours for younger kids. With groups of ten paying $3-5 per hour, you’ll make more than your parents. If you write a newsletter and earn $2 per copy a few hundred or thousand copies can earn you a pretty sweet monthly income. Have you thought about setting up computers or other electronic items for new buyers? You’ll do what you love and love what you do and get paid well. What about a recycling center for cans, bottles, newspapers, etc? Individuals and businesses should be easy to get on board for going green and you can sell green products as well. Another thought is to sell new or used items that fit into your industry. If you have a yard scaping service, sell lawn chemicals or garden ornaments. Think about a craft business … you can imprint t shirts or custom garden flags (learn about copyrights and royalties). You could sell returns and closeouts for local businesses. What about running a window washing or painting company? You could teach individually or group lessons on things you know well. What about tutoring in your favorite topics? Maybe a holiday gift shopping and wrapping service or even card mailing service could work for you. Think about local businesses as well as individuals. What about helping people get organized with their household paperwork??? Organizers make good money. You could print and sell bumper stickers or
Reply:i understand i tried finding a job at 14 didnt really work out im 15 and still trying to find a job. However check out clean %26amp; green they higher 14 year olds, Ask to babysit for someone. Also go to your job counselor in your school they will help!

Oh yeah and be careful because people put ads on here about free money and stuff. So dont consider it there scams.

Reply:You need to be at least 16 to get a job at any of those places. At 14, the jobs you can get are very limited. Things like babysitting or washing cars... it can't be for a business, it has to be non taxable.
Reply:you have to be AT LEAST 16 to work at a department store, but i think it is 17

I am looking for a job at carleton place and i am 14 years old?

If you ever umemployed, take a look here and theres a high chance you'll find the right job.
I am looking for a job at carleton place and i am 14 years old?
are u talking abt carleton place, in ontario, canada?

try wash cars, macdonad, etc

I am looking for a Job on-line (teaching English, editing, writing, advertising...). Any ideas?

Try this website:
I am looking for a Job on-line (teaching English, editing, writing, advertising...). Any ideas?
Try Advertising at

This is a new website and quite a lot of people has register for FREE

Even putting their advertisement is also FREE

I like this website.. look quite cute to me.. Report Abuse

name spelling

I am looking for a job that requires a lot of travel...relocation is

I have a good job now, that I enjoy. I travel a little bit...probably 1-2 weeks a month on average, but the travel will end in December. I am 24, graduated college in '06 with a business marketing degree, I am wiling to relocate, do have a fiance who will relocate with me. International Travel is always good too. If anyone knows of a job opening or may know a good company please let me know....Thanks.
I am looking for a job that requires a lot of travel...relocation is
Why not look into business consulting for some of the large consultants (McKinsey, PriceWaterhouse, Booz Allen). Their consultants tend to travel 3 weeks out of the month.

heck their web sites for job openings.

I'm looking for a job and I went to all the main sites I knew. Can I have some valueable sites please? It is a paid service that searches all the sites for you. It is awesome and cheap.
I'm looking for a job and I went to all the main sites I knew. Can I have some valueable sites please?

It is a search engine search the internet for available jobs.

but remember if you sumbit the resume or not.

Also, sumbit directly to the company for example, Marriot has its own database, so you can go directly to the site and sumbit your resume.
Reply:what kind of job, i do know of a company that you can make a great career of but it's working for yourself...I don't know if you want to do that...there's great info available in this ebook guide it's $5 if you email me i can send it out. If you are looking to work for yourself just check out the info below and get started. you can email me at

I'm looking for a job at home from a company that will pay me a wage can you help?

Contact BT, they sponsor a huge home working project (all helps to sell their services), and will have a data base of those companies who are registered with them for this service. You can then contact the individual companies concerned for any vacancies they may have.

Good luck
I'm looking for a job at home from a company that will pay me a wage can you help?
Start your own website business
Reply:Most if not all "work from home" jobs are commission based. The reason why an employer will not pay you a wage is because if you are working from home, there is noow way for them to track your productivity and results.

If you are ok with a commission based job, try looking into being a mortgage loan officer. That is a job that you can do from your home, and get paid nice commissions too.
Reply:Basic Supply %26amp; Demand

Since anyone can work from home (no specilist skills needed) you will get minimium wage (or less)
Reply:Find a new career path
Reply:I'm afraid they don't exist

Anyone know where to look for temp work/odd jobs?

Does anyone know where to else to look for temp work and/or odd jobs in Georgia? I've been through all the local papers %26amp; bulletin boards but can't find anything that I can work into my schedule. Unfortunately, we're not going to make it from one paycheck to the next this time, so I need something to do for a little extra cash.... Any ideas or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Anyone know where to look for temp work/odd jobs?
If you have any carpenter skills just go stand outside of the contractors section of Home Depot or Lowes, you can work as much or as little as you like....

Also my brother who dropped out of high school makes over 100K a year cutting grass...he just put up signs a few years he has over 500 yards/bussinesses he cuts grass for...had to hire his own crew to keep up.
Reply:Been there done that. What I did once was this. SInce I was pregnant on the time and had clothes that I Knew I wasnt going to wear again (short skirts, little tanktops) I went to my local flea market and sold them. Of course to make more money make sure they are neatly organized.

Another thing my mom did to get my brother money for a field trip is we did a bake sale. She made mexican cookies and flans (mexican jello).

Another thing my husband and I did to raise money for a church organization was sell pizzas (he makes pizzas so we sold them)

Also you can sell plates of food to nearby offices.

You also do some lawncare on your neighbors for a little while. Everyone needs to cut their grass.

That is all I can think of.
Reply:Have you tried temporary employment agencies?
Reply:check in with retailers like walmart, lowes, home depot.

they usually have assemblers who work various hours.

for example:

walmart may have a bike assembler come in for a few hours in the morning and then someone else may come in for a few hours in the evening.

check with all of them and as soon as you get there ask for a manager and explain to them that you have a f/t job, but you thought they might have something for odd hours, like assembly displays or grills or bikes for customers.
Reply:Contact a temp agency.
Reply:You can go thru a temp or employement agency and request for customer services call center position. It's the easiest position to be quilify for. Most company requires at least 2 weeks training ( you just need to seat back and listen). They will not put you on the phone in the first 2 or 3 weeks. After first 2 or 3 weeks You can just leave that company and go to another call center (company) thru the same temp/employement agency or another temp or employement agency. And do the same thing over and over again. You will get pay for the first 2 to 3 weeks of training with each company you went to but doesn't have to work. How do you like that?
Reply:You can easily bring in a lot of legitimate cash completing free offers on GPT sites. GPT (Get Paid To) websites are a good and easy way to make fast and free money online. A good site to learn about them is
sanskrit name

I'm Looking for a job delivering things overseas like important documents ect..?

Try this site: it can make you good money and it is easy to do. There are no fees. It is one of the few work at home websites that has made me good money consistently.

Looking for p/c insurance jobs...?

im looking for an insurance job in my area but cant seem to find any. i was in insurance before, so i have my license in casualty insurance but not property. i would really like to work in insurance again, but can not seem to find anything. plz help!!
Looking for p/c insurance jobs...?
well i agree most states do not split these licenses apart, but i am in NC and as of 2008 they have done just that. to find a job i suggest you get your property license. then do a resume and send it out to every agency in your area. also look on the Big I website.
Reply:How can you have a casualty license without a property license? I don't know of ANY states that split them out!

It's heavily about networking. If you didn't make an impression on the people you worked with before, you're going to have a hard time finding a new job.

I am looking for a job in the phlebotomy field?

i have no exseriance and would like to find a job that would help to pay for school does any one have any ideas
I am looking for a job in the phlebotomy field?
Check with the Red Cross, I know you can get a job there as a Phlebotomist without any experience. I think they will train you too.

I am looking for a job, I live in Jacksonville NC.If you know who s hiring please let me know.?

I worked as a hostess at Joe's Crab Shack, i like to be activie at work, and i love to have fun, i'm a hard worker.
I am looking for a job, I live in Jacksonville NC.If you know who s hiring please let me know.?
Plenty of jobs in Jacksonville here:
greek name

I'm looking for an off the books job that I can do at home on the computer. Where can I get one?

I'm currently 15 years old will be 16 in about a month and a half. I'm thinking of doing small scale graphic design work or even boring filing work that I can manage on my home computer.
I'm looking for an off the books job that I can do at home on the computer. Where can I get one?
I tried over 18 home businesses in the course of 3 years so please forgive the length of this post but you will find it very informative. Learn from my mistakes! Also make sure to read all the way to the bottom because I have included a list of the top 10 work at home scams. I am a mother of two little girls who are actually tugging on my arm as I write this so I will try to be brief. Many people are looking for work from home companies. All the scams definitely create a big problem but also, there is a problem of people misunderstanding the difference between work from home "jobs" and work from home opportunities. There really are not work from home “jobs”. To get that you have to start working for a company in their offices first, then they MAY allow you to take the job home.

Most of the work from home opportunities that are legitimate offers are not an hourly pay type job. They are business opportunities that help you in starting your own business from your home. What you should do first is to decide if you are simply looking for an hourly rate type job or if you are looking for more of an opportunity for additional income such as what you would make in your own business being your own boss from home. Small home businesses have some small costs involved, less than $500 to start is reasonable and I would stay away from those wanting $1000-$5000. It doesn’t cost that much to start and run a home business so you shouldn’t pay it.

If you are coming across places that say free then I would RUN don’t walk the other way! They never are. I tried them many a times and 3 weeks later I had to buy this and 6 weeks later that. After 6 months these “free businesses” had cost me over $800 on average.

After trying 18 things I work about 18-25 hours per week for a National Medical Benefits Company. This is a nationally known and reputable home business which is what you need to make sure you are looking for. I have been with the company almost a year and a half now and I make over $3500 a month! In your first month, depending on how many hours you can work, I have seen people make anywhere from $500 to over $2500. And your income will increase each month because you get paid residual income as well.

The best part is they have 401(k), direct deposit, life insurance and a benefits package most of which you get from day one. In addition, there are no products, no hard selling or pushing, no cold calling, no home parties and no telemarketing! That was VERY important to me. I absolutely love working with them and I can't believe I am making what I am making and in so few hours per week. The neat thing is there are other people on your team that you work with so you are never alone. You have great team support and you get to know the other people on your team pretty well.

I was a bit apprehensive at first because I know a lot of companies are not legit but this company is the number one National Medical Benefits Company in the US. They are a member of the US Chamber of Commerce, and the National Association of Dental Plans and the owner of the company actually sits on the board of The Consumer Health Alliance to which we are also members. Also they were featured in “The New York Times”, “Wall Street Journal” “Time Magazine” “American Medical Review” and even in the May 2008 issue of “Parents Magazine”. Even “60 Minutes” did a big special on this home based business.

Even more then all this is they are accepted at over 100,000 retailers nationwide. These are fortune 500 companies like Sears, Target, K-mart, Rite Aid, CVS, Wal-mart, Publix and more. These companies would never work with a company that was anything less than reputable.


10. Craft Assembly

This scam encourages you to assemble toys, dolls, or other craft projects at home with the promise of high per-piece rates. All you have to do is pay a fee up-front for the starter kit... which includes instructions and parts. Sounds good? Well, once you finish assembling your first batch of crafts, you'll be told by the company that they "don't meet our specifications." No matter what you won’t get paid.

9. Medical Billing

In this scam, you pay $300-$900 for everything (supposedly) you need to start your own medical billing service at home. You're promised state-of-the-art medical billing software, as well as a list of potential clients in your area.

What you're not told is that most medical clinics process their own bills, or outsource the processing to firms, not individuals. Your software may not meet their specifications, and often the lists of "potential clients" are outdated or just plain wrong.

8. Email/Rebate Processing

This is a twist on the classic "envelope stuffing scam" (see #1 below). For a low price ($50?) you can become a "highly-paid" email processor working "from the comfort of your own home."

Now... what do you suppose an email processor does? If you have visions of forwarding or editing emails, forget it. What you get for your money are instructions on spamming the same ad you responded to in newsgroups and Web forums!

7. "A List of Companies Looking for Home workers!"

In this one, you pay a small fee for a list of companies looking for home workers just like you. The only problem is that the list is usually a generic list of companies, companies that don't take home workers, or companies that may have accepted home workers long, long ago.

6. "Just Call This 1-900 Number For More Information..."

Not much to say here. Don’t Call!

5. Typing At Home / Data Entry

Here's how it works: After sending the fee to the scammer for "more information," you receive a disk and printed information that tells you to place home typist ads and sell copies of the disk to the suckers who reply to you. Like #8, this scam tries to turn you into a scammer!

4. "Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine!"

Well, this one's at least half-true. To be completely true, it should read: "Turn your computer into a money-making machine... for scammers!"

This is much the same scam as #5, above. Once you pay your money, you'll be sent instructions on how to place ads and pull in suckers to "turn their computers into money-making machines."

3. Pyramid Schemes (this is NOT the same as Multi-Level Marketing MLM)

If you've heard of network marketing (like Amway, Mary Kay or Pampered Chef), then you know that there are legitimate MLM businesses based on agents selling products or services.

The problem arises when there is no legitimate product or service at all and it is all about finding new recruits and not only can you lose all your money, but you can be charged with fraud, too!

2. Chain Letters/Emails ("Make Money Fast")

They promise that all you have to do is send the email along plus some money by mail to the top names on the list, then add your name to the bottom... and one day you'll be a millionaire.

Actually, the only thing you might be one day is prosecuted for fraud. This is a classic pyramid scheme.

1. Envelope Stuffing

This is THE classic work-at-home scam. It's been around since the U.S. Depression of the 1920s and 1930s, and it's moved onto the Internet like a cockroach you just can't eliminate.

There are several variations, but here's a sample: Much like #5 and #4 above, you are promised to be paid $1-2 for every envelope you stuff. All you have to do is send money and you're guaranteed "up to 1,000 envelopes a week that you can stuff... with postage and address already affixed!"

When you send your money, you get a short manual with flyer templates you're supposed to put up around town, advertising yet another harebrained work-from-home scheme.

SO that’s the top 10.

Please beware of these scams. There are some legit home businesses out there so be careful. Look for companies in business over 10 years. Look for companies with a needed product or service, something you would be proud to represent. Look for companies that have a national reputation and are members of the US Chamber of Commerce.

Also, don't be hung up on the BBB either. Did you know, common misconception here, that the BBB is NOT a government regulated agency? That in fact, they are local independently owned franchises where anyone, who pays the right price, can be a member in “good standing”. This is true!

As for those of you who say…..”I want to work from home but I don’t want to have to pay for anything”. Well, that’s great! But it will never happen. Let’s be honest, there is no such thing as a free lunch. As we talked about above there is a difference between a job and a business. You should NEVER have to pay for a job….but again…chances of finding a home job are about 3%. At any rate, if it is a true honest home business you need to expect to pay….Mr. Walt Disney didn’t start the Disney empire “without paying for anything”. Neither did Mr. Sam Walton, owner of Wal-Mart.

If you want to learn about REAL home businesses visit Good luck to you in your search. Also feel free to contact me at any time with your questions!

I should write a book! LOL Good Luck!

This answer has been chosen as a “Best Answer” 47 times!
Reply:I personally suggest that you pursue affiliate marketing, because at 15-16 if you suceed at this business I'm telling you bro, you would bring a storm of attention from the Online Business community that most people pay thousands for.

As a graphic designer you would have the edge over a lot of guys and you would be able to make proffessional looking sites, not the generic cheap sales doodoo some people make.


Probably the most lucrative option (it makes up about 70% of my own business earnings). but also the most time consuming.

You promote a company's products by signing up as an affiliate. You will be given a unique URL and everytime a sale is made through your unique URL, you get a commission (these are usually quite high commissions - often going up to as high as 75% for every sale.)

I can't explain it all here, to learn the tricks on the Affilite Marketing game I suggest you read one of these.

Day Job Killer


The Rich Jerk

I would recommend the rich jerk if you are on a budget, it's only $10 and even though it's quite outdated it will teach you enough for you to decide if affiliate marketing is for you.


You join a wholesale company and buy items at wholesale prices (Wiis, iphones...whatever). You sell the products on Ebay for a nice little profit. The wholesale company will then simply ship the item to the buyer's address (which is what dropsipping is), You almost never have to handle the product.

I suggest one of these 2 dropship companies with the best wholesale prices:

Worldwide Brands

Esources UK

Im really looking for a job as a working with young kids?

kids that have behavior problems and talking with them and everything. i majoring right now in pshycology. so what should i do
Im really looking for a job as a working with young kids?
learn to spell (so that people will take you seriously).
Reply:Your school should have some ideas for you. I would also check into some local schools that you can volunteer with.

Good luck!!

I am looking for second job ,but don,t seem to be having much luck,i am 46 and did not take exams at school?

so all i put on application is i recieved a good standard education .i am i rifgt doing this or should i put something better on my form
I am looking for second job ,but don,t seem to be having much luck,i am 46 and did not take exams at school?
I dont want to be blunt but at your age the education you got in school wont really matter, whats important is your life skills and what you have learnt through previous employment.
Reply:you are 46 just lie, i read apps all the time for recruitment and i never get proof of education, its all about the person. hope this helps x x
Reply:Just tell the truth. If you were hired, and they ever found out that you had lied, they cold fire you. And, they could put that on your reason for being fired!
Reply:If you haven't got any paper qualifications, you should sell yourself on your abilities.

Be honest and say something like I left school with little or no qualifications something I regret but I have had 30 years working experience in

List the job your in and any other jobs you have had. Not all employers want the brain of Britain. You can get help at a job club, go through your local job centre. The job club can help you with wording job applications which may help.

Best of luck to you.
Reply:Your literacy could do with some attention - although I can see you try.

Everyone has a skill that can be applied to a job, and I would encourage you to write a CV (guides and templates are easily found on the internet), and work on your achievements.

The care industry may suit you at your age, provided of course that you have any in your area, though I wish you luck in what ever job you get.

Expand on what you are good at, and communicate by telephone, chasing up any job applications.
Reply:Honesty when applying for employment is very important. It might cause the loss of one or two possibilities but will stand you in good stead over all. They tend to find out whether people are dishonest when applying - especially if it is in writing. Good luck.

I am looking for the job in the field of IT Network/Systems support?

I have around 18 months experience but I am still finding hard to find myself a job In Australia -Sydney
I am looking for the job in the field of IT Network/Systems support?
First thing -- have someone look over your resume. Is it free from spelling errors and grammar problems? Does it accurately and completely represent what you know and what you can do? Have a friend or two help you just by looking over it and see if there's anything you need to add.

How are your interviewing skills? Are you getting any calls to interview, or are you being skipped over completely?

I don't know what the market is like there, but in the US, employers seem to respond favorably to certifications like Microsoft MVP, Product specialties, A+, MCSE and such. If you have any centers near you that offer short courses to get easy certifications (MCSE is not quick or easy, but others can be), definitely get some of those onto your resume.

Also think about what kind of products you'd like most to work on and maybe follow a certification path toward that. If you like Database Administration, get some SQL training or certs. If you like networks and routing, think about Cisco CCNA or CCNE paths. That kind of thing.

Good Luck!
Reply:hi check this link its useful


ghetto names

I'm looking for a job as a moose whisperer.?

Could someone give me advice, reference tips, stories from the field? I really want to help the meese. Anything at all would be appreciated.
I'm looking for a job as a moose whisperer.?
^Good luck with that. By the way whether it's one or more it's moose not meese or mooses for that matter.

Okay Rocky the site below will give you some facts on Bullwinkle.
Reply:Hon, Moose have really bad tempers so if you get close enough to one to whisper you are dead meat. Sorry to burst your bubble.....
Reply:I really like this query thanks for the laugh. BTW, be wary of those dang antlers.
Reply:lol.....move to the mountains! I have meeses wandering around all day up here
Reply:Rocky has that job sewn up I believe.
Reply:lol. I suggest tough outer clothing - maybe something padded with foam - a real ability with moose impressions, retractable platform shoes - even if you are quite tall - so you can reach their ears to whisper and retractable so you can run away fast when they don't like what you say. Oh, and a large supply of cheese.
Reply:Yea, as Redfower says, good luck with that. But if you're determined, load up the truck with sweet feed and give it a try. What's the worst that could happen?
Reply:check this link its good



I am looking for job in the united states?

any job down here
I am looking for job in the united states?
there are plenty of jobs avaliable. try going to these websites to set up your own free account...
Reply:Goodluck! Report Abuse

Reply:Join the Navy - I did
Reply:Sure, but aren't there any jobs where you are? you have to look for them they aren't going to just fall into your have to go after what you want.
Reply:no, i have been looking for over 2 years now..
Reply:Well I don't know that where you will get a job, I am sorry I can't help you but anyways BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!!You will get a job soon.Don't worry dude lots of people will answer your ?.
Reply:check out

i know they are always looking for sales consultants all over the United States. Its a comission job... so if you make a lot of sales... you can make a lot of dough!

I'm looking for a job, What pays better?

I'm almot 16 and I'm looking for a job. what pays better, walmart or gamestop? I would also like to work atleast 4-6 hours a day, If you know what they pay please tell.
I'm looking for a job, What pays better?
Not sure about Game Stop, but Wal*Mart pays on a sliding scale. They start everyone at a base pay (when I worked there, it was like $7/hr or something). Cashiers get an extra $0.30 for the added responsibility. For every full year of work with a past company that you've completed, you get an extra $0.30 or something like that. There's a lot more opportunity at Wal*Mart. I worked in one for a little over a year and worked in every department. It's takes very little time to get promoted. I was even a CSM for a short time. Just don't go there if you're eventually going to go Full-Time and are going to want benefits.
Reply:I don't think you can work at Walmart. You have to be 18.

not too sure about this one

Medical assisant looking for a job ASAP?

i'm a student in college working on a BA in the mean time i have a medical assisant certifcate and looking for a place to work. i worked in a specailist clinic in 2004 before i went off to school. I been working in the medical felid since high school so i have penty of skills for the jobs.
Medical assisant looking for a job ASAP?
You are trying to get employment on Yahoo Answers???????

Try calling around or looking in the paper like everyone else.

Crappy spelling for someone so "educated".
Reply:Your spelling skills need work. Go to the classifieds after you learn to spell correctly, or use spell checker.
Reply:If your handwriting is as bad as your spelling, you'll make a good doctor, someday.

BTW, why is this post in the diabetes section?
Reply:Where do you live?
unisex names

I'm looking for a job in Chicago?

I'm looking for a job in Chicago as a Software Quality Analyst that's in or near downtown. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm not having any luck on Monster, CareerBuilder or Dice.
I'm looking for a job in Chicago?
Post your resume in the "resume" section on Craigslist. Thats how I got my current job in IT. They also have job postings.
Reply:I would be smarter to get out there , and go to the places you would like to work at, remember to dress appropriately and bring your resume.

I'm also out looking, I have skills in steel work, home health care, medical Kitchen, and other, but living in a small community makes it even harder, so I get right out there and talk to them and always have a few resumes on hand.
Reply:Try , and here is a great site to help you make lots of money in a short time.

How it Works

Ok, So here is a run down of how Treasure Trooper Works.

As we all know Telemarketers by law are not allowed to contact us anymore. Now they have developed sites that you sign up for and you simple just take surveys and complete offers in order to get paid for your time.

Here is an example of what an offer looks like.

Lexus RX (New!) Take the survey. $1.00

You just simple do what it says. You take the survey and then click "Done". After that the offer will go into your pending funds. When the company verifies that you have completed the offer it will then go into your approved funds and you receive the money.

Mabutu's Hut

Now for the fun part. This is what makes Treasure Trooper stand out from the rest.

You can actually play a side game with the site.

When you complete an offer and click "Done" you will automatically be given a gold cluster. Then after that you can play the side game. The side game will display 3 clams. You simple just click on one and hope that you find the pearl.

After you start your collection of gold clusters and pearls you can go into Mabutu's Hut and trade them in for Prizes.

Prizes for Gold Clusters

The Ruby

Treasure map pieces (4 pieces)

Trooper's Journal (6 pieces)

Mabutu's Secret

Treasure Hunt Tickets

Treasure Trooper Journal

Free mousepad

Free Bumper Sticker

The map pieces, journal, and hunt ticket will help you in the future when the site holds contest.

Prizes for Pearls

Pearl Bracelet

The pearl bracelet is the only prize you can get with these but its also the best prize the site gives away.

With referrals members can earn 20% of what 1st level referrals make and 10% of what 2nd level referrals make. This adds up quick. So far this month I have made about $40.00 from what my referrals have done with the site. If you find yourself having trouble getting referrals then just purchase the pearl bracelet. This item will give you 2 referrals. So when someone signs up but didnt register under another member they automatically become yours and you start earning money off of what they do with the site.
Reply:try Hewitt in Chicago
Reply:Can you not get an interview, or have you not tried for one yet? Hope you can find what you're looking for. Good luck and God bless.

Where do fresh out-of school Physics Ph.D.s look for jobs?

I know I sound retarded for a Ph.D. with this kind of question, but... help? Please? Where do I start? I would rather go to industry than academia. My current research subject is very narrow (solids at ultra low temperature; experimentalist not theorist) and looking at general websites like or had no result so far - nothing looks like I'd be a good fit. Career fairs bring no results either. I'm supposed to graduate in 6 months and I'm starting to panic.
Where do fresh out-of school Physics Ph.D.s look for jobs?
Well, here are some physics related employment websites and below are some specific to college grads that should prove useful...good luck!

PhysicsWeb - Employment Centre - Latest Jobs [#1 on Google]

Websites from Institute of Physics Publishing

The Institute of Physics; Institute of Physics Publishing. Magazines; Websites; Employment Opportunities; Contact Us ... Published to promote innovation, growth and networking. These sites provide ... [#1 on MSN]

鈥?UC Davis Physics Department: Employment Page [#2 on MSN]

鈥?Medical Physics [#3 on MSN]

鈥?Program Information [#4 on MSN]

鈥?Latest Employment Data for Physicists and Related Scientists ... [#5 on MSN]

鈥?PhysicsWeb - Employment Centre - Latest Jobs [#6 on MSN]

Graduate Prospects - Graduate Career Information / Advisory Service [#2 on Google]

Research Job Postings: Employment Websites Sorted by Industry [#3 on Google]

Website for the College of Science [#4 on Google]

Employment WEBSITES Listed by Majors [#5 on Google]

WSSLinks: Science and Technology [#6 on Google]

Albin O. Kuhn Library Subject Guides %26gt; Physics [#7 on Google]

Physics Department : Links, Job Listings, Resources [#8 on Google]

College Grad Job Hunter - Entry Level Jobs for College Students ... [#7 on Google, #7 on MSN]

Jobs, Careers, Education - Careers.Org [#1 on Google]

College Student Internship, Summer Job Resources

Student Search System, Inc. -- Specializes in finding internships and entry-level employment for college students and graduates. -- where summer job-seekers can search by keyword or ... [#1 on MSN]

UMC : Career and Counseling Services - Career - Employment Sites [#2 on Google]

College Students

... important skills that individuals with that major are likely to possess, and helpful websites related to each major. Employment Sites. College Grad Job ... [#2 on MSN]

Employment Profile %26gt; Ministry of Education [#3 on Google]

City College: Career Assistance%26amp;Development

College Employment Background Checks: A Job Seeker's Guide. JIST Career Resources. JobWeb. JobWeb's Comprehensive List of U.S. and International Job Listing Websites [#3 on MSN]

Job Banks %26amp; Recruiting Sites: The Riley Guide [#4 on Google]

Employment Assistance at St. Lawrence College

Websites that list available jobs . PLACEMENT AGENCIES ... College Grad Job Hunter. American IT job board ... St. Lawrence College Employment Assistance [#4 on MSN]

NCAA - National Collegiate Athletic Association [#5 on Google]

Employment News - industry growth potential - jobs

Ten Tips for Surfing College Websites; Sneak Preview; Majors %26amp; Careers ... Which of these actors is NOT a community college grad? ... Employment services: 3,470: 5,050: 46: Independent artists, writers, and ... [#5 on MSN]

Digital Librarian: Employment [#6 on Google]

Kishwaukee College Graduates %26amp; Honor Students

Kishwaukee College, located in Malta Illinois, offers students ... Conference Center Contact Us Counseling Course Schedules Employment ... Faculty / Staff Directory; Faculty / Staff Websites [#6 on MSN]

International Employment Websites - Careers %26amp; Employment [#8 on Google]

Cleveland State University || College of Graduate Studies

College of Graduate Studies. 2121 Euclid Avenue. KB 1150 ... Most-Sought Websites; Research; Technology Transfer Services; Library ... ACCREDITATIONS | LEGAL NOTICES | AFFIRMATIVE ACTION | EMPLOYMENT [#8 on MSN]

Useful Employment Websites - College of Agriculture and Life ... [#9 on Google]

UIC Graduate College - Graduate Studies: Admissions to Graduation ... [#10 on Google]

wow.,.. it's great you already done a Ph.D.s, why not be lecturer I think it's suitable for you in the mean time you look for a job. For job maybe you can contact agent in there to find a job. Many company need physic graduated..

Cheers ~ MS

I'm looking for a job in the defence force, either the Army or The Airforce. What would be the best option?

I am in the Navy and what I would do is talk to each branch. It is ultimately just like buying a car, you don't buy the first one you see based off of what you have heard about them. Do your research and test drive them all. This applies to joining the Military as well, talk to each recruiter of each branch and find out which one can best match your needs and get you to where you see yourself in the future. I originally wanted Marines but then gave the Navy a few minutes to give me info and found out they were the right option for me. Airforce - Main mission, air superiority (everyone thinks they will be a pilot, have to have BA in science related field, joining more than likely puts you in support role). Army - Main combat branch of the US, has technical jobs but many of its personnel get forward deployed to combat zones. All branches are great in their own regards, just find out more about what each one does before deciding, you can not join in a recruiting office btw so no harm in going in for info.
I'm looking for a job in the defence force, either the Army or The Airforce. What would be the best option?
depends if u want to stay on the ground or be in the air
Reply:air force or navy xD
Reply:army all the way

I am looking for a job in the Airtel company or one its Associates in Bangalore as an executive?

Go to their website and register ur cv in the carrer page.Get the contact no and start making follow up.All the best
common names


DON'T DO IT! If you're on workers' comp then you'd better assume that you are under surveillance. Even if you're not on surveillance, if someone see's you and knows that you are on comp, you WILL get reported, you WILL be investigated and you may very well get slapped with insurance fraud. It's not worth it. Just suck it up and drive on. Going to jail and getting tons of fines is NOT WORTH IT! Take care and good luck!

I am looking for a job with a CPA practice in CA. I am a CPA candidate and has passed 3 parts of the exam.?

I also have 2 years of experience as a staff accountant. I am currently located in Wisconsin. I came as a student from India. I would need a sponsorship from my employer.
I am looking for a job with a CPA practice in CA. I am a CPA candidate and has passed 3 parts of the exam.?
Congratulations on your success. I live in Texas and am not much help, but I wanted to acknowledge your success and wish you much luck.

If you are looking for a job in IT (prog, db, networking), would you pay $50-$100 for interview help ?

No. What exactly are you paying for? What guarantee do you get? What you are buying is simple ADVICE that you can get for free at any public library. Ask at the reference desk for assistance in finding resources involving interviews for jobs. It never ceases to amaze me how much people will pay for advice they can get for free elsewhere.
If you are looking for a job in IT (prog, db, networking), would you pay $50-$100 for interview help ?
I would. I am almost done completing my courses for CCNA and I have no prior computer job skills but I am bright and I have an unrelated degree from a good university. I just don't really know where to start. I would totally PAY FOR THIS. But that's just me. Of course if I found out it was information i could have found rather simply over the internet than in the end i would feel cheated and would let other people know.
Reply:No. "consultants", "experts" overcharge you for these kind of stuff because they know you're desperate. They charge you $100 for things you get on internet for free. One site is, which you can find out the opinions of the company's employees, what their general concerns are so you will ask the right questions, and talk about the right things that the employers are concerned. Second source is interviewup, which you can find interview questions and how people answer.
Reply:no, i'd just post a resume on monster, career builder and wait for the calls to come in. i was out on an interview today from career builder and while i was out got 2 other calls for jobs. i've got 2 more interviews in the next 2 days!

good luck!
Reply:No I will not pay. If if is good company then they will not ask for this small amount and from where they will make you payments.
Reply:yeah if you dont feel confident in your interviews.... it might help you alot

I am currently 16 and am looking for a summer job, I have experiance (3 years) as a receptionist.?

I live in Texas and want a job that is close buy because I am currently taking Drivers Education and cannot drive. I am willing to do another job as long as I don't have to work outside
I am currently 16 and am looking for a summer job, I have experiance (3 years) as a receptionist.?
Hi, I Believe I can assist you in your matter. Revolution money exchange is currently hiring for the summer .Currently I鈥檓 attending college to pursue a degree in Animation /Multimedia (Visual Communications). Revolution Money Exchange really helps pay my tuition and fees, and I must say the company is really helping me get through college. Revolution Money exchange is a new payment network that provides merchants and financial institutions with a new method of payment .Revolution Money is based in St. Petersburg, FL and is part of the family of companies within Revolution, LLC. The company pays its members $10 per hour just to refer people to the company. This is 100% FREE and the earning potential is unlimited. The company pays Via, Check and PayPal. Also you can request you payment when you want. Great Summer Job!!

To join go to:
Reply:look around places/businesses close to your house, such as fast food places, movie theaters, resturaunts, retail stores, etc. that have now hiring signs up. just apply and youll get a job! easy peasy! just be on the hunt for those signs. and im sure you could work your hours out to where your parents or a friend could take you to work, or if its close enought to your house you could walk/ ride your bike........
children names

I,m looking for a job that I will be happy at I have search the net for a job as cashier or stock-clerk?

Have you tried looking on careerbuilder? You can also go out and look for jobs. Just go into places that you would like to work and ask if they are hiring.

Hi, im currently working in jumeirah in f&b deptin dubai. im looking for good hotel job in australia.?

dear madam\sir,

im currently working in jumeirah in Dubai in food and beverage custemer service. i been in dubai almost 3 years and also i have 2 years in sri lanka .
Hi, im currently working in jumeirah in f%26amp;b deptin dubai. im looking for good hotel job in australia.?
is that a beer, wine or a spirit?

Is anyone eles looking for a job and getting offers from scammers who want you to cash checks for them?

I've asked to be left alone, see below:

It's really dumb of you people to continue to try to steal money from poor and unemployed people, I know it has worked in the past and you have fleeced the poor and people like me who are trying to make money by putting us in debt by sending us bogus checks to cash for you and leaving us with nothing but more debt and worse credit than we already had, as well as having to pay back the bank you stole money from using our accounts to steal money, but your gig is all over the news and I would really appreciate it if you would stop doing this to all of my people, and I want to find a job, you are pissing me off big time, sending me these offers, when I am a mother with no money in the bank to begin with and looking legitamitally for a job. You are sorry assed people, and should really be ashamed of yourselves, go steal money from the people who can afford your scams. They are already stealing our money, I could at least enjoy your sick game if you took advantage of people who deserve it, but when you do this to the people who really can't afford it, and really need to support their children and pay their bills, it just makes me want to find you and make you pay for your ignorance. George Bush and all his buddies could afford to fall for your game, can you target people like that, and leave the, hard working, tax paying, already down-trodding people alone and let them get back on their feet. Are you working for our President, he's used every means possible to take every penny from us, and has suceeded in his task, is he putting you people up to this new scam? Has he run out of other ways to destroy us? We have nothing left, leave us alone, we don't have jobs, we don't have credit, we don't have food, we can't afford to give our children healthcare benefits, we have a national debt that we can't ever pay in our lifetimes, we give everything to the rich and every country that holds it's had out for a dollar, can you just stop targeting us, we don't have anything left to give you and we can't afford to live here anymore. Go after the people who did this to us.
Is anyone eles looking for a job and getting offers from scammers who want you to cash checks for them?
your right on all the above, but for those asking you to cash a check for you is someone who is just a thief in the night.. trying to get into your bank account never give out any kind of information on yourself to them..... no social # phone #, bank # any kind. They will even tell you that you have been left some money to get into your account. send it to spam. As for the president, do not vote for a Republican at all for they or only for the rich man.... and their self......
Reply:Who are you talking to? I think it's time for you to take your pills.

I have been looking for a job for a long time i have put in alot of applications what should i do?

the same thing happened to me. what you need to do is ask to talk to the manager, and you could possibly get an on the spot interview. im not a fan of calling people, so if your the same give this a try.
I have been looking for a job for a long time i have put in alot of applications what should i do?
The right job for you hasn't come along yet ,,,,keep your C,V,,, short and to the point,,,,Good Luck,,,,,
Reply:You have to call the places you left an application at and do a follow up. Keep calling them, as if they become desperate and someone leaves their place of employment, you are next!
Reply:Keep looking, keep putting in applications. Fill out some sample applications and have someone take a look to see where you might be screwing up.
Reply:On average, 10-20 applications = 1 interview.

1-10 interviews = 1 job offer.

Keep on keeping on.

Take job searching seminars offered by your local employment / job service office.
Reply:Surf the net,,, and other job searches to seek employment in your area. Don't give up, there is something out there. If all else fails, I don't know how old you are, but you can start a business for yourself. Walking dogs, baby/housesitting, catering, rake leaves/snow. Something will come your way.
bakugan names

Are there any jobs in chicago which are looking for drivers age 17 and up?

UPS are looking for drivers.
Are there any jobs in chicago which are looking for drivers age 17 and up?
Your best bet for driver jobs while you are still under 18 is probably going to be like pizza delivery or something of that nature. But check with the employment agencies in your area and see if they have something that you might be interested in.
Reply:A great job and way for Teens to make money is by doing Free Surveys Online. Its simple, easy and for ages 13 and up. check this blog for more info and Proof of Payments

Im in 9th grade and in looking for a job. got any ideas?

im also14 and i need a paying job because my parents dont pay me an alowence... a good alowence.
Im in 9th grade and in looking for a job. got any ideas?
A movie theatre is a great first job. It is a lot of fun, flexible hours, and they are always hiring around the holidays. Plus, most places give you free movies!
Reply:Get a job at a local restaurant or pizza place as a busser, dishwasher, or doing food prep or other odd jobs around the restaurant. You will make at least minimium wage. But once you get some experience, move up to being a waitress - that's where the real $$$ is. I started waitressing when I was 14 years old. By the time I was 16, I had saved enough money to buy a car. When I went away to college, I waitressed to help pay my bills and when I got out of college, I got a job serving at a fine dining restaurant to pay the bills while I looked for a "real" job. Take my's a fun job, with quick money, and no matter where you go, you can find a job waitressing.

Have fun and GOOD LUCK :-)
Reply:Get a job at your favorite clothing store. Not only will you meet a lot of people, but you will get a discount on clothes.

In most cases as long as you have a work permit and the store allows it you can work. It will most likely be stocking shelves or stuff like that. You may want to try the Gap or something like that.
Reply:when I was 14 I had a newspaper route

15 year old male in london looking for a job?

hey am a 15 year old male , and looking for a way to make money. I live in south london and was wondering if anyone knows where i can find a saturday or part time job
15 year old male in london looking for a job?
doubt you will find work at 15, because of laws. Maybe you should try voluntary for now, just to show you are keen to work.
Reply:get a paper round
Reply:Get off your bum and look for one...

...didn't your mum tell you that you have to find a job, it won't find you!

What kind of job should I be looking for?

Im 16 (almost 17)

I am looking for a first job, I only have morning to afternoon on Wednesday through Saturday (homeschooled) what is a good job for these hours? (yes part time)
What kind of job should I be looking for?
Working at a fast food place comes to mind, as does the grocery store thing. Some convenience stores/gas stations hire kids your age. Try posting your phone number at your church bulletin board, in the library or community center. I'm sure there are some jobs out could even take a small classified ad in your local 'shopper' paper, saying you are available for yardwork, light cleaning, or mowing lawns (in season).
flower name

Im looking for a Data Entry job work at home?

Im great with computers can do most anything on them.I need to work at home.
Im looking for a Data Entry job work at home?
two years back when i was in india, i have see some many companys offering homes job, like what u say data entry., even my friend start working on it.,every day they have to enter 25000 or more information. is not so easy but they start doing, and the end .,no result.,some company close.,some one ranaway., like that that....,,

so if u think to do some work in home., contack good companys ok
Reply:If you are desparate, you would be better off not looking for an at home job. I have been told that the jobs do exist but it requires a lot of research to find those positions.

It is not something you will find one day and start making hundreds of dollars the next. Regardless of the ads, a real at home job is exactly that, A JOB. Most all work at home offers also require you to pay a fee for membership, training materials, or they'll give you a list of companies that are looking to hire people. You can do that yourself by searching on the internet!

If you need a job immediately you would be better off applying at temporary agencies. They will often start you on a position quickly and pay you for your work at the end of the week. I've enclosed the url for a website I've used to keep a record of ads and letters that I've sent out while job hunting. It is very useful and FREE. It will keep companies and contacts in the database for you so you can refer to it daily.

Best of Luck,


Im looking for a part time job in the atlanta area?

I'm 20 years old. Member of Army reserve and college student. I need some extra cash. Anyone know what i can do. Please don't tell me those surveys or at home job.
Im looking for a part time job in the atlanta area?
A good search engine is It searches multiple sources. Check it out.

There's a lot of construction going on in the Atlanta area. Especially commercial.

A lot of construction sites need part time summer help.

Find a local commercial construction site and ask the boss for a job.

Most are needing people right away.
Reply:Hope these job websites can help you.
baby name

Friday, August 7, 2009

Teens looking for a side job with a punk clothing company?

We are doing a special right now. We are taking the first 10 people who would like to be involved in our company. Just to make some extra cash in your spare time. anyone interested? If so, put interested in the answers below so that we know which were the first 10. Then please email us at with your information so that we can email you back with more information on what you would have to do. This would be a chance for you to pretty much have a business. think about it and let us know.
Teens looking for a side job with a punk clothing company?
interested but what info do we email you?
Reply:In California?

My daughter is almost 13 and looking for a job?

we dont have any relatives she can babysit for and we dont have any neighbors she can help either........any ideas???
My daughter is almost 13 and looking for a job?
Look in the classified ads, there's usually babysitting ads in there. If all else fails, a paper route would work.
Reply:oh please I'm 16 and I still don't have a job. Besides SOME companies are looking for 16+, even that is very low.
Reply:if you have a byerly's where you guys live she could work there but you have to be fourteen thats where i applied. she would have to wait 30-90 days though but its a really good place to work at plus you get a discount!

or she could just work at the movie theater concession stand there aren't much jobs available to thirteen %26amp; fourteen year olds.

i hope this helped you a bit.

now go give me my 10 points!

Reply:I think being 13yrs old she should focus more on education. If she is wanting to do something and or earn her own money get her to do things for you around the house or yard...then give her an allowance. Tell her you love her and want her to focus on her education.
Reply:Dunno, theres not many jobs for a 13r old to do. What about pet sititng or dog walking. Maybe even a paper route {if they can start at 13}.
Reply:try a mothers helper the parents will be home and u can meet them when its been a while she can babysit
Reply:She could take orders at a fast food resturant, or as a helper of an office or somthing!

I live in Seattle I'm looking for a job where should i apply?


There is also NWJobs, both the one from Seattle Times Jobs section, and the NW Jobs that is a seperate entity.

Jobdango isn't too bad for Northwest job hunters.

I do recommend though. They update 24/7.

Also try Worksource Washington. Just google the words and the first link will be the one. Enter what city or both city and position.

Try for City Jobs.

I hope that helps a little...
I live in Seattle I'm looking for a job where should i apply?
Dear Britini M,

What experience do you have, and in what field or area. Do you have a college degree? Are you just starting out from high school. Did you grow up in Seattle, or did you just relocate there recently?

I ask because, there are alot of different opportunities offered in Seattle. It is a beautiful city, and I think you will find everyone very friendly. I think what ever you choose to do,you will be happy. There are so many Restaurants, there is the fish market, flower shops,souvenir stores, etc. I am sure there are alot of opportunities in the mountain resorts.

Whatever you choose, enjoy, and good luck.

Seattle is my home city, and it is beautiful. Especially the subburbs, and the mountains. Enjoy taking the Ferry boat, and do some sight seeing.


I am looking for at home, hands on work at home jobs.It can be either, free or a charge.I really do need this?

This website offers work from home. They also have a links page with more info and other programs. You can also add your own links.
I am looking for at home, hands on work at home jobs.It can be either, free or a charge.I really do need this?
I found a TON of sites that will pay!!

Click my avatar %26amp; view my profile!! :)

You will never have to spend a dime, and everything is LEGIT!! Just see for yourself!!

Have FUN!!
Reply:To be honest, you are probably not going to find a job working from home. Any opportunities you find that require a start up fee or money up front is a scam don't get sucked in!!

I encourage you to immediately put these jobs out of your mind. Here are some of my tips when looking for a job....

Networking - Register at your local Unemployment Office (you don't need to be on unemployment to register for their assistance). They often will have networking groups on a regular basis. They also are a good source for the jobs that never show up in the paper or online.

Check your local paper -- In many cases the papers classified are now online.

Search Smart Online -- If you don't have a lot of time, spend most of your time at sites that aggregate the job feeds from several job search engines. Prominently these include and

Organization -- I use a free online application that allows you to track your ads, jobs you apply for, send or print mail merged correspondence, and track your job search history. This site is

I invite you to check it out and you'll be able to keep track of what you apply for.

Good Luck,

Reply:I am doing home based typing work right now and it's going really well. It's a way to make some extra money that doesn't take a whole lot of time. I can recommend you to the person that I got started with and she would be able to help you out. You can email her at

Good luck %26amp; Best wishes!

I've found something that I really like! It's free to join %26amp; very reliable, like coming into a big family. :-)

You can work it %26amp; make a great income, it doesn't take much time, but will run in the background %26amp; won't be long until, with a little work, will definitely support you %26amp; your family in a great way.

(No selling involved %26amp; international is fine, too.)

Since Yahoo frowns on links here, just click my avatar %26amp; you'll find a link in my profile. :-D

Best to you,

Reply:If you are good with children you could do child care in your home. Thats all I'd know.
welsh name

Why is it so important to know English when looking for a job?

for bilinguals spanish and english
Why is it so important to know English when looking for a job?
If you're in the US, because English is the official language here...if you are in France, you'd be expected to know French.
Reply:English is a major language of economic power all over the world. For that reason, many people do business in English.
Reply:If you cannot communicate with your coworkers can you function? You must always know the language spoken by the majority in any environment. If you are bilingual that would be an advantage of course.
Reply:English is used as the "lingua franca" today, which is what French was when that term was coined. It is the common language not only in America and England, but in their former colonies and in places where so many different languages are historically found that they needed a common language in order to communicate. It is the language of business pretty much all over the world. In smaller countries, like Switzerland, where several languages are used because they are close to the borders, English provides a common ground. In others, it is because they communicate with English and American businesses.
Reply:In the US, because most of the population speaks English. You aren't much use in a job if you can't communicate with the clients, are you?

A few things to keep in mind though, that I noticed others posted. English is NOT the official US language (there is none). English is NOT the generally accepted language worldwide (French is. The UN is conducted in French, all international boards are usually conducted in French). English is NOT the fasting growing language worldwide (Mandarin is). So, if you're looking for a job outside the US, Australia or England, you'd probably be better off with French...
Reply:Its something interesting that even other countries are adoting the english language. and for many reasons.

1. its becoming the international language.

2. about 1/4 of the planet speaks it.

3. companies that deal with the US, Britain, Europe, Canada, wish you to speak it.

4. if in the US, I dont care what you speak, as long as there is a consensus in WHAT/HOW you speak to be understood.

You may know ALL the slang, but if you cant speak to a lawyer, police, others, in a way that BOTH understand, you cant communicate properly.
Reply:Well, if you're seeking a job in the states, most people aren't bilingual. In some states, you can find a job even if you don't speak English. for example, in New Mexico where there are many Spanish speakers, you may find a job more easily than in a northern state. Good luck.
Reply:As english is most universally known %26amp; accepted language worldwide .

When looking for a job as an elementry school teacher...does it help to be male?

Does it?
When looking for a job as an elementry school teacher...does it help to be male?
I don't think that it matters too much. Sometimes, it may matter on the subject that you are going to teach.

I live in long beach california and im looking for a job near my house that is in cherry st!i need a job quick

i need a job quickly!
I live in long beach california and im looking for a job near my house that is in cherry st!i need a job quick
If you want a job with Dogs, then you've come to the right place (This is the dog section...). If not, try posting your resume on HotJobs or
Reply:this is the dog section of answers if you don't know

that may be you need to go back to school. or maybe

mcdonald's is hiring a fry person. go check the nears

fast food place I'm sure they could use your type.
Reply:This is the dog section

I just moved to the Charlotte Area. I am looking for a job in the sports industy can anyone hire me or help me

just graduated and am moving to charlotte. got a degree in sports management and am having trouble finding a job. does anyone know sports companies or know anyone that can hire or help me...thanks
I just moved to the Charlotte Area. I am looking for a job in the sports industy can anyone hire me or help me
My friend just got a job at the Panthers Stadium bartending. She is going to make some mula!! Look below for more job opportunities...good luck!
Reply:All I can say is that the Charlotte Bobcats may be a place to take a gander at, although they're a horrible basketball team.

Charlotte is a bustling place, and will likely have many job opportunities.
exotic names

I just lost my job, and im looking for some ways to make some extra money before i start school in the fall.?

what kinds of jobs are out there for the stuggling student?
I just lost my job, and im looking for some ways to make some extra money before i start school in the fall.?
waiting or delivery, and plasma donation are all some quick ways to make some decent cash. good luck
Reply:You wanna laugh but I see a lot of people asking for thus type of service. Picking up dog poop from peoples yards. That and dog walking. It seems to be a service that people are looking for. Check the internet to checkout some of these bussinesses. I bet youll do well.
Reply:There's all kinds of jobs for students....especially in Toronto. Go to your local unemployment office and check the boards...apply at your local grocery shop, be a waiter, be a courier(Toronto always needs them and you can use your bike most times or your car)

Reply:I have a great way.. Try Linking Development because they would love to have a business individual and its a home business and a good way to make some suppemental cash... Here's the website, I checked it out and its legit! I think the password was "guest" when it was shown to me and thats where the business model is.
Reply:Retail, working in a restaurant, taking tickets, handing out flyers and so on. There is a lot of out there really.
Reply:The easiest is in the retail field because they are more available jobs. The other is landscaping or outdoor work of some sort. There is a temp agency called Adecco that may be able to get you a permanent position.
Reply:In the summer the house painting and landscaping companies are alway hiring.
Reply:Servers may very well with tips. I was a server all through college and did wonderful and they also worked around my schedule. IT was great.
Reply:I'm amazed at what my dtr can bring home by babysitting. Sixty bucks a night is not uncommon.
Reply:Your first step should be to read this free report - it contains just about everything you need to know about making money online. Apply the strategies you find in it and start producing income immediately!
Reply:you should get a job waiting tables at a place like fridays or dennys. its good money and you might not have to work late. plus the managers can work around your school schedule.
Reply:although not legal.. prostitution? I hear there's good money in that! Look into 'escort services' - the semi legal way of getting away with prostitution.

Looking for Job Contact for Overseas (War Zone)?

Not KBR I have a postition with them starting in 6 months looking for other opps. I need email address or phone #'s that by pass the operators. Thank YOu
Looking for Job Contact for Overseas (War Zone)?
KBR is not a bad company. I work for them now. You can also try ITT, Dyncorp, LearSigler or LSI, Combat support or CSA, or go to Dangerzone and get a list there of all the companies.

I am looking for a part time job that I can do for two weeks. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I'm starting a full time job in a few weeks and wanted to do something in the mean time so that I can make some extra money. I'm specifically looking for a part time opportunity, where the employer will be flexible about my schedule and not be concerned about my leaving. If you guys have any suggestions, please let me know.

I am looking for a part time job that I can do for two weeks. Does anyone have any suggestions?
You will probably want to search in your local city's directory for temporary agencies.

One agency that has nationwide offices, particularly for manual labor, is Labor Ready

For more 'office' type work you will probably want someone like

Kelly Services



Office Team
Reply:You can apply for freelance writing, bookkeeping, software, transcription, online tuition or customer service work at home jobs. These companies do not require any fee and pay well . List of companies(with websites) offering genuine work at home jobs is available at . Many of these companies have been in business for several years

Looking for job application for shoprite?

employment availabilities for shoprite
Looking for job application for shoprite?
Did it ever occur to you to go to Shoprite for an application?
gothic names

Looking for: job for 16yr old?

I am looking for a job in cheyenne Wyoming, i am 16 years old, and am flooded with homework each night. I am an honnors student and would like to keep this status, but i don't have time to do work and new amount of homework each night, what would be a good job that is rather slow so i might be able to work on my homework when it is not busy or i am done with the work i need to do that day.
Looking for: job for 16yr old?
why not do a paper route? its slow and usually only in the morning. dont over stress yourself though.. being in your situation this can easily happen!
Reply:Yo have a request permission of your parents , and look this

Anybody looking for a job in Michigan, how's it going?

I've been looking with no luck, getting p. o.ed
Anybody looking for a job in Michigan, how's it going?
I have heard from various news sources that Michigan's economy is the worst in the country. I believe Ohio's may be second worst. Military recruiters apparently are camped out in Michigan cuz it's about the best bet.

Any chance you can relocate? If so, conduct a national job search.

Good luck! Let's pray/hope this economy turns around before much longer. Too many people are suffering too much.
Reply:I'd leave the state. Michigan isn't going to turn around for a good ten years. (I live here too, but I'm lucky to have a good job.)
Reply:Yes - Michigan's economy is one of the worst in the U.S. - you're right up there w/ Mississippi and S. Carolina. I know many ppl there (especially Real estate ppl) are turning to home based businesses online - great if you're self motivated and sick of working for someone else - and sick of the economy running your life. May I suggest - pays great! check it out - you won't be sorry you did.. good luck up der eh!!
Reply:I've tried and no luck. There is no luck, Michigan really sucks right now. I would suggest start your own little neighboorhood job.


Not to promising.

Looking for job openings for booneville,ky.?

That's for a phlebotomist.

You can also go on and search there.

Best of luck to you on your job search!
Looking for job openings for booneville,ky.?
Use the many popular and free online job search engines. Most of them allow you to set up notices that will email you with job openings for a specific area.
Reply:Earn Money Online!

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Looking for job application have any idea (any customer service job)?

looking for pacific job in perry,georgia
Looking for job application have any idea (any customer service job)?
mejor ven a trabajar a mexico aqui hay chamba, aunque mal pagada, pero alcanza por lo menos para irse de borracho cada fin de semana
swedish names

Looking for job postings for columbus,ohio?


Iam looking for a stay at home job opportunity with no cost to me?

I have been searching the internet but have found nothing that is totally free. I am looking for something that cost nothing to get started for working at home.
Iam looking for a stay at home job opportunity with no cost to me?
most telecommute jobs are sales or leads based... not talking about the scams.. I mean the real telecommute jobs... there are a few where you have to have some skills such as web programming. I would suggest going to where they have nothing but telecommute jobs listed... all of them you will need a resume and to interview as well as previous experience in most cases.

Its a blog website that is updated daily but if you post a comment asking the webmaster to locate a telecommute job for your area he will personally email the ones he finds. Most of the telecommute jobs listed on that site are based out of NY, SF, LA or Chicago... and require you to live in that area because they want a face to face interview before they hire. But they have telecommute jobs all over the country and the people who run this website know how to find them.
Reply:You can check details about ChaCha guide at the link below:

ChaCha Guide:

I have been searching for work-at-home opportunities for a long time. I found 3 of them that you can make money at home with that have no start-up costs. One of them was ChaCha guide. You can see the details about the 2 of them by clicking each link below also. Actually I am doing ChaCha guide work with these two so I can make more money while I am on the computer. These do not bring in a big amount of money but while I am on the computer anyway they are generating income for me and I really do not have to do anything to make it.


2. CashFiesta:

If you have any questions you can send me an email but maybe all your questions will be answered on the websites above. If you are interested in a more lucrative home based business I can introduce that to you also. Just let me know.
Reply:Create T-shirts. You won't even have to market or produce them. Just create a design and upload it. You'll get a commission off of every shirt you sell depending on how much you price it at.
Reply:Please check out In this site you will find a list of sites that offer affiliate programs. There are several, so you should be able to find one that interests you. And just so you know, it is impossible to make money without spending some. These sites don't require you to pay to sign up, but recommend ordering so you know what you are marketing.
Reply:Don't pay for information on doing Surveys-It's FREE

Earn money for visiting websites

and doing quick paid online surveys - all in your spare time.

Paid surveys are perfect for students, stay-at-home moms, and

anyone else that needs to make a little extra money, and it's FREE!

No Credit Cards Or Fees Required

You won't get rich-but you can make a few HUNDRED a month.

Reply:Hi 鈥?I sell on eBay. I profit about $3,500 a month and only work about 6 hours a day. eBay has been my full time job for 4 years, and I have sold over 12,000 items.

I find items at second hand stores, garage sales, clearance sales, estate sales, and consignment stores to resell on eBay. Some of the items are used, some are new.

I know people who sell services like web design or graphic design. Other people sell handmade items like jewelry, customized baby items, or craft items. There are many ways to earn a living on ebay, either part-time or full-time.

Please email me directly at if I can answer any specific questions.
Reply:One easy home business that fits the bill is becoming an affiliate marketer.

1) First, set up a blog at

2) Then, go to CommissionJunction and to ClickBank and look for products you would like to sell. Make sure you only select those products that pay you at least $20 in commission. Write about the products on your blog and give a good review.

3) Publicize your blog through the social network sites such as MySpace, etc.

4) Write articles about the products and submit them to article submission services such as Be sure to include a resource box at the end of your article telling about you and giving your blog address.

This may seem long but only the articles take a bit of time.

I hope this helps.

