Sunday, July 12, 2009

What kind of job should I be looking for?

I'm 26 years old. I'm extremely skilled at hands on things. I'm an ASE certified master automotive technician, but there's no money in working on cars with the economy in the toilet. I can fix almost anything. I learn visually. I retain information well. I'm 6'6" and in decent shape. I'm very social and personable. I make friends with ease. I'm never nervous in a crowd. I'm very creative. I'm well spoken. What can I do for better than $20 an hour, or 40k a year?
What kind of job should I be looking for?
Where do you live? Most people in my area, NoVa, that are ASE are making more than that. The economy is the reason, more people are not buying new and keeping their old ones running.

Don't like what you are doing look into a great sales positions.
Reply:You say theres no money in "fixing cars" are you serious. Global recession is looming .I suggest you take the first job you can get and hang onto it. You could always go back to school and spend the next 15-20 tears paying off your student loans!

its free

and may put you on right career track.

good luck.

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