Thursday, July 16, 2009

I am an irish architect looking for work abroad. Where is the best/ area place to look for a job?

Well, if you're talking about the United States. Try southern Louisiana. Still tons of hurricane damage down there, and they're going to need good architects to create designs for remodeling and creating new buildings.

That's where I would be if I were you. There's a load of money to be made, you just have to be willing to go down there and get it (Not sure about Government relations in that matter, but I'm sure there are government officials down there willing to help you)

China is always looking for architects to help build infrastructure, so if you would like to capitalize on that, you might broaden your horizons in that direction.

With all of the chaos in the Middle East, I would advise against it. Several architects and construction workers have been taken hostage over the past several years in that area. If you're not afraid to be around automatic weapons all day, and firefights don't bother you, you can capitalize there as well.

Sri Lanka still suffers from Tsunami damage, they need help. Pay range might be a little bit lower than usual, but still money to be made. It's up to you.
I am an irish architect looking for work abroad. Where is the best/ area place to look for a job?
Im not an expert by any means but just a guess would be the middle east ie Dubai or somewhere or China.
Reply:In America, any big city like Los Angeles. Rich people are always looking for good architects to get their houses built.
Reply:Yup, definitely the Middle East at the moment.

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