Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I am a 13 year old straight "A" student looking for a job.?

I dont like mowing lawns. i dont like yard work. i dont walk dogs. i am not looking for an babysitters position or a lemonade stand i want a real job that pay real money. at least $5 a hour
I am a 13 year old straight "A" student looking for a job.?
you can not be gainfully employed in a non-agriculture job until you are 14. there are a few exceptions to the laws which include gainful employment (working for a business) that is legal at 13 or younger in most states:

You can deliver, or sell at a street stand, newspapers and periodicals (selling subscriptions is not allowed)

You can work as an actor or performer in motion pictures, television, theater or radio.

You can work in a business solely owned or operated by your parents.

You can work on a farm owned or operated by your parents.

When school is out of session you can work on a private farm picking and selling fruits and vegetables.

(most agriculture employment falls under a different set of laws/not part of FLSA)

you always have the options of casual labor(working for an individual):

You can mow lawns and other yard work(as casual labor only)

You can clean houses(as casual labor only)

You can wash cars(as casual labor only)

You can Tutor(as casual labor only)

You can work as a pet-sitter/dog-walker(as casual labor only)

You can assist the elderly.(as casual labor only)

You can work as a baby-sitter.(as casual labor only)

just to name a few ideas............................
Reply:At 13? Oh no, hun, you can't get a job that pays $5 a hour at 13. You have to be at LEAST in grade 9 to get a job that pays $4 a hour, let alone $5. I'm sure you can wait a year. I think you're being too picky on your other choices. Because, unfortunately, they're your only ones. So think about this: No money from doing nothing or some money from doing something, even if you don't like it? Plus, even if you got the chance to have a job interview, you wouldn't have a lot on your resume, because you would've needed to have done some volunteer work, most likely, and have had experience in that paticular topic, and, again, most people wouldn't hire 13 year old volunteers. The only thing I can think of that MIGHT hire you, is being a paper boy/girl. But they treat their staff very poorly. I have a friend who used to be one, and she got paid only $8 a week to go on about a 10 block route, so it would probably less than any of the jobs you don't want to do.

I'm sorry, but please wait until next year. It'll save you the disappointment.

-Claire ;)
Reply:At 13 years old your options are limited...

Most business employers want you to be at least 16 years old.

It is time to be inventive.

My suggestions to you:

Make up flyers and pass them around in your neighborhood.

I know you said you don't want to mow lawns or do yard work, or babysit or walk dogs, so just eliminate those options from your flyer.

But.. Post first whatever it is you want to do or are good at ...and

You should keep your options open and make a decision after the persons call you instead of not giving them many reasons to call.

Offer to do whatever work it is you want to do, such as :

Computer work, Babysit, Clean Garages, Organize Cupboards, File Papers, Wash Cars, Mow Lawns, Pull Weeds, Tutor the neighbors kids, Walk/wash Dogs, Dog sit, Clean the Pool, Assist the elderly, whatever...

Say on the flyer you are a student and are available on Saturdays.
Reply:All those things listed are "real jobs" because you are getting paid for them, in fact baby sitting is a DAMN good paying job for the amount of work that is put in. Honey, I'm 18 with a "real job" and I make $7.70, I wish i could go back to babysitting where i could make $10 an hour, now i get less pay to lift boxes, take out trash, help customers and do menial labor (at a movie theater and restaurant which some would consider a good job)

Wait a while if you want a job like mine, if you want to make easy money then baby sit, but the fact is until you are 16 no one is willing to hire you.
Reply:At 13, it's highly unlikely that any place would hire you. They legally cannot hire people under a certain age. Some hire at 15, most won't start hiring until 16. Your only choice would really be those small menial jobs you say that you don't want to do. Unless someone in your family has a business and would be willing to let you out, you're out of luck for at least two years and more likely for three.
Reply:You are too young. Wait until you finish your education. The more education you have, the more money you will make. Don't worry about how much you have now. Keep getting those good grades, and you will be well-off when you are an adult.
Reply:try something like in a back of a mail room or a libirary or paper girl how about a pet shop you would probably like a job like that a lot
Reply:You're not old enough unless you get paid under the table.
Reply:you can't legally work for a business for legal salary until your 15. i hated that law too!
Reply:You are to young.
Reply:2 YOUNG
Reply:do you have a sweet and sassy near you? Work there!

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