Thursday, July 16, 2009

Electrician looking for a job in Canada?

Hi , I am a 45 years old male , electrician /electronics looking for a job in Canada.?

I have more than 10 years exp. ( including North America Electric Code ) , I speak fluent English -Portuguese-Spanish , beginner french ; looking for a permanent or temporary job in Canada.

I would send a complete resume upon request.

I have references and job pictures.

Please reply to email
Electrician looking for a job in Canada?
Go to the site below and look for electrician jobs. Also you should register as looking for work.

Good Luck!


Hi im looking for a driving job in the wolverhampton and dudley area where is the best place to look ?


or try looking in the wolverhampton express and star

hope this helps x
Hi im looking for a driving job in the wolverhampton and dudley area where is the best place to look ?
Wolverhampton is cool, my geography teacher

is from there.
Reply:Try courier services, preferably with your own transport van
Reply:wolverhampton and dudley i would imagine lol
common names

I am a nurse from iran,BA in nursing and 10 years job exp,i am looking for a job in canada or australia?

the problem is i have to have 6.5 or 7 in IELTS and need to pass some exams .my question is :all type of nurses should pass this process or it is just for RN?if it is obligation for all nurses ,can somebody suggest me an college that i can improve language and nursing ?
I am a nurse from iran,BA in nursing and 10 years job exp,i am looking for a job in canada or australia?
Before looking into college courses in nursing, look for a company within either of those countries that specializes in degree comparison. Such companies will take your transcripts from your Iranian nursing school, and compare them against nursing credentials in Canada or Australia. It may be that your training is very similar to what someone would receive in either of those countries, thereby allowing your new home country to acknowledge your nursing degree. The best way to find the companies that perform the comparison is to contact the government department that is in charge of licensing nurses for that country. They should be able to direct you to those companies that are capable of performing the task.

You'll still have to sit for the exam, though, hence you'll likely need to refresh your memory on some subjects. As for your language skills, ESL (English as a Second Language) courses are available at many colleges and universities.

I looking for a job as tour guide?

I currently finished training as a tour guide. Now I want to pursue in this career. I can speak Chinese, Malay and English. Is there anyone can help me or recommend me somewhere that i can get a tour guiding job? Thank you!
I looking for a job as tour guide?

they help find a job for you just post resume
Reply:PIck tour companies that either:

- operate in the areas that speak the languages you mention or

- companies that have a high number of clients who sepak your languages.

While you're at it, target places where you want to be yourself. :)
Reply:Any job-search web-site should be a good place to start. Pick a couple of countries you'd most like to work in then find the job-sites web-sites for those countries.

Looking for job on set for Pirates of the Caribbean 3?

3rd year film student looking for any kind of work needed on the set of Pirates of the Carribean 3.
Looking for job on set for Pirates of the Caribbean 3?
where are you located?? If you are in the Hollywood area or even if you aren't. I would suggest going to agencies getting your talents noticed.Get a portfolio of what you can do together make it professional. You can even get recommendations from your teachers if you are a good student .good luck!!!
Reply:Yeah they filmed 2 %26amp; 3 back to back. My brother said he could of been a pirate but his other job kept him from being in it.

You Funny.
Reply:I work in the industry and this is NOT the way to get a job dude. Your only chance is to know someone on the production and get them to recommend you. But seeing how they will probably film most of the movie on location, they usually hire locals for PA work. So... unless you're already in a union, you're probably out of luck.

And as others have pointed out.. they shot pirates 2 and 3 mainly back to back and all that is left is reshoots and pickups.
Reply:A thrid year film student should know about things like the hollywood reporter which lists movies in production and how to get in touch. And good luck, since they are most likely almost done. As of feburary the construction crew was headed back to work on the sets.
Reply:POTC 2 WAS RUBBISH,too much disturbing murder scenes,too much slime goey SQUID crap,

too much BEHEADING scenes,only 2 kissing scenes,

keira becomes a ****** and betrays cap sparrow,

he himself misleads them,

weird black woman likes orlando.


shall i say more?
Reply:how are we supposed to be able to help?
Reply:Sunflower is your best answer to go with my friend. Her answer is the correct one and I hope you have much success.
Reply:dont know, dont care
Reply:try dressing up like a pirate and running around the streets screaming yo ho ho.
Reply:Last I heard PC3 had wrapped principal photography.
Reply:I heard the movie was shot and in the can already
Reply:I will help on the set.
Reply:I think it's already been your out of luck.

16 year old looking for a summer job?

I currently work at a restaurant but I want a different job this summer. Something that allows me to make a good amount of money and possible benefit me in other ways such as establishing connections. I was thinking a caddy?
16 year old looking for a summer job?
Hello, If you want to make money fast and without investment by the Internet, an option that you propose is that you book at pages PTC (pay-per-click) that give you money just to see a few pages. In addition you can have unlimited Referral which can earn a lot of money

On the Internet there are different ways to make money and it really is very easy. The one that I am using is one of the most famous Pages PTC (pay-per-click) ie you pay for making a few clicks a day and clicks to make your referrals.

Imagine this:

禄 You click 10 ads per day = $0.10

禄 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00

禄 Your daily earnings = $2.10

禄 Your weekly earnings = $14.70

禄 Your monthly earnings = $63.00

Not bad for starting and using about 5 minutes per day of your time.

Besides the example is 20 people mentioned, imagine what happens if you refer more people than that.

I am already gaining so much the q you recommend. If you want more information here you leave the direction of the best PTC:
Reply:try doing simple online jobs that pay well if you work at it. Visit my blog site for legit site that pay well and are free to join.
children names

What would you say is the most important thing you are looking for in a job?

a great retirement plan.
What would you say is the most important thing you are looking for in a job?
Good people and good salary.

Good Luck!!
Reply:fulfillment, and good salary
Reply:enjoying what i'm doing and a gr8 salary

Should I start looking for a new job (details inside)?

I set my office up with wireless mice. I stuck my head into my bosses office and asked her, "Hey, are you having sex with the wireless mouse?"

I meant to say "success". Ooops.
Should I start looking for a new job (details inside)?
As long as she did not throw it at you you'll be fine.
Reply:No, just if you get time or if your boss has a moment just sneak into her office and explain it to her.
Reply:She actually was having sex with it, so your fine - she doesn't want you to black mail her later.
Reply:You could just tell her you had the hiccups and one of them made you mispronounce a word!
Reply:You hooked her up with a vibrating mouse, didn't you? Now your services are no longer needed...
Reply:no... if you just explain that you had just misspoken then she would most likely understand... It was a mistake... its not like you REALLY meant it.
Reply:I got a job for ya....and I dont mean success....
Reply:Nah... If you have worked with him for a while, then he probably is accustomed to your craziness...
Reply:You forgot to mention the cameras huh?

I see KFC in your future.
Reply:Find a new job, fool!
Reply:ha ha ha ha go find another job if she is not having sense of humour
Reply:Well, does she have a good sense of humour?

Im looking for job can help me?

Contact companies directly and see if they can sponser you.
Im looking for job can help me?
please send your certficate to my email or sendme an email to be in messenger I hope to help you thanks . please write your nationlity.

How would I approach PR companies looking for work experience or a job?

I know I asked about newspapers earlier, just trying to keep my options open. Any advice on this is welcomed cheers.
How would I approach PR companies looking for work experience or a job?
Why don't you askt the chappie repesenting the McCanns, he might need some help.
Reply:cold-calling unfortunately will be your best bet. Try and get through to the right person in the organisation before you launch into your "selling yourself" chat. Have your CV on hand to be ready to email to them once you finish the phone conversation and follow it up a few days later by phone.

"Big up" any work experience you have and how you see yourself being an asset in their company.

Say you are prepared to travel, work out of hours, go beyond the call of duty etc etc.

Hope this helps
Reply:Do you have any sort of qualifications? You would need them. For PR companies, i guess best way would be to contact them but then you'll find that same as media ... They get more hopeful to work there than they have jobs.
bakugan names

Looking for job for a 13-year-old in oregon!!!!?

i would love to have a job that would give me about $800-1,000 a year. I want to buy things, but dont have the money. I would also like money for college. If anyone new a good job for a 13-year-old guy please tell. Any info. would be very nice, thank you.

u can contact me at
Looking for job for a 13-year-old in oregon!!!!?
Here's a short list of jobs which you can create to generate income:

1. Learn calligraphy so that you can provide handwritten invitations and thank you notes to prospective wedding parties, birthday celebrations, etc. Seek out clients through wedding planners at nearby churches and temples. A starter calligraphy kit usually runs around $20 and anyone can easily pick up this skill. The going rate is usually $1 per hand addressed item.

2. Become a "poser" who assists wedding photographers in setting and arranging various individuals in group and single photographic positions. "Posers" carry around a sketch book of various sitting and standing poses which consists of onion skin overlays of various wedding pictures bound in albums. Again, contact local wedding photographers and wedding planners, accordingly. The hourly pay is around $10-$12 per hour and you are often invited to attend all dining activities.

3. Seek from your neighbors a gardner position which involves planting, weed removal, plant/tree trimming, light brush clearance. You will be using the neighbor's equipment and tools. Again, do not represent yourself as a lawn mower since there are any number of safety issues involved. A door-to-door solicitation of surrounding neighbors is required and you can charge between $6 to $9 per hour.

4. Offer policing/removal or clearance of trash services to surrounding neighbors which involve trash pickup within nearby residential area. Limit the extent of pickup to small areas and be aware that there are no hazardous terrain or elements involved in this process. Again, a door-to-door solicitation of neighbors is in order. You can charge between $6.75 to $7.50 per hour.

5. Acquire a set of window cleaning tools [a bucket, liquid window cleaner, sponge, squeegee, handle with an extension and a small step ladder] and solicit local businesses for your window cleaning services. However, be careful to limit the height of the window cleaning to no higher than one story. Charge $1 per window panel.

6. Become a proxy/stand-in for neighbors to allow delivery of goods and packages to your home/apartment. Acquire the authority to sign any receipt of incoming packages as an accepting neighbor. Charge $1 per each package handled by you.

7. Consider becoming a restaurant-cafe customer liaison by using your cell phone at restaurants-cafes to coordinate with the hostess to keep track of waiting customers. Whenever there's a very long period of time to activate a waiting list, you want to offer the restaurant your services so that customers do not have to stand around for any lengthy period of time. And when their name/assigned number comes up; you can call the upcoming customer's cell phone to tell them that they can return to the restaurant and be served. The call back fee is usually around $0.50 cents on a per head basis. For example, a couple would be charged $1.00 while children under 6 would not be charged. Placement of a plaque which outlines your fee schedule near the hostess station is sufficient to garner attention of prospective customers who will value your services since they can do other activities outside of the restaurant -- often beyond the range of any inhouse paging system. You realize that everyone has a cellphone and why not take advantage of the connectivity to make the diner's experience worthwhile. The restaurant will also appreciate the added service you are providing as a customer liaison.

8. Why not become a paid feeder servicing the disabled at nearby nursing, convalescent, assisted living/care centers and hospitals. It involves feeding food to patients who are unable to feed themselves. The starting rate is $8.00 per hour. The only downside is that one has to take precautions to wash one's hands after each feeding. A posting of your services [by a business card or flyer] on a reviewable bulletin board would be enough to generate customers. The paid feeder position is one of the fastest growing occupation at this time.

Good luck!

13 year old looking for a job?

I'm 13 years old and my family's running low on money so i figured i should get a job. But i have no idea where to get a job because no one hires a 13 year old. Does anyone have an idea? Or maybe you are or were a 13 year old with a job?
13 year old looking for a job?
hey sweetie, Im not sure if you're considering "dropshipping" but I've been into this business and its been very rewarding...

if you have time, you can check out how the whole dropshipping business work here
Reply:babysitting or maybe a paper route (if they let 13 year olds do that)

or just try conserving so your parents don't have to buy you more conserve water and turn off lights and appliances, take care of your clothes and other belongings
Reply:did you try waiting to be a 16 years old yet is your father looking for another job ? ask anybody who needs help check with the locals first and do research to find out what the age limit is in getting a job

Where do I look for entry level law enforcement jobs, like a jailer or a dispatcher?

I want to be a police officer, but I can not do that until I am 21. I will be out of high school in May. Of course, I am 18 already with a spotless criminal record. I would like some help in finding where I apply to. I live in Omaha, Nebraska, if that is any help to you.
Where do I look for entry level law enforcement jobs, like a jailer or a dispatcher?
Check with your local civil service office. They can tell you if there are any qualifications you'd need to work on to get those jobs and they offer tests you can take to get on an eligibility list to get a job.
Reply:you have to be 21 to join OPD. go to Douglas county's website, they list openings for jobs at the county jail. can probably do the same for sarpy county. look into the smaller police agencies in the area, they might hire younger than 21.

S S - dead end job? there are endless opportunities within the police dept. pay is not bad, and best of all you get to make a difference in people's lives -- even the ignorant ones who don't respect the sacrifices other people make for them
Reply:What the H--- for ?

Don't you want to make something of your life?

Do you come from a dysfunctional family life and this is the way you gain control.

PLEASE ,PLEASE STOP and really look why you would want to pursue such a dead end JOB. Start reading about people that choose these types of JOBS AND THEIR LIVES !

But most of all their families lives.

I hope you are able to read between the lines!



SPECS481's................ MUST BE A COP OR THINKS LIKE ONE.



Reply:S S, you really need to shut the hell up. Nobody wants to hear your mindless ranting. The kid asked about getting a job, not for a bunch of reasons not to do it. If that's what he wants, let him do it and keep your damn mouth shut!
Reply:Check you county jail or the government website for your state.

Good luck! may give you some helpful info.

Good Luck!!

I am looking for a job driving tractertrailer or bus for christian music artists were can i find one?

These are the best answer links I know.

Check them out and if you still need help feel free

to Email me for help.|pg... - everything - 14 search engines - any question - diagrams,repair info,LOOK HERE - everything automotive - how stuff works - dictionary - mechanics Q %26amp; A - terms - automotive audio/video etc. - hard to find parts - directions %26amp; distance - basic car care - DIY resource - for car enthusiasts - fix anything - up to date auto news - old cars %26amp; definitions - automotive dictionary - automotive values

Web search for Forums for your car, they are very helpful.

Fereral, State, %26amp; Local governments have websites.
I am looking for a job driving tractertrailer or bus for christian music artists were can i find one?
Find a bus, a christian artist, or a job?

Hi i am looking for a job in animation if any1 can help me in finding it are there any vacancy?

I Nikhil Salla have done 3d Animation course from Maya Academy of advanced cinematics (Maac), I have specialized in software鈥檚 like Autodesk Maya and Softimage XSI. I was looking forward for job as in 3d animator
Hi i am looking for a job in animation if any1 can help me in finding it are there any vacancy?
you can try -%26gt; then click on find jobs. You'll have to make an account but they have lots of animation jobs there.
Reply:I m looking for 3d architectural job. You can try masscomedia. Go to their site and find out.
Reply:You could try teaching students with your knowledge and skills. See here for a start:
baby name

Hello,i am looking for job!!!?

Hello i am ukrainian, looking for job in Europe or Usa,can somebody help me?Thanks
Hello,i am looking for job!!!?
Best way to get a work permit in the EU is to graduate from a university in the EU. Graduates are given a year to find a job suitable to their qualifications, if they find one they will also get a work permit.

I am an irish architect looking for work abroad. Where is the best/ area place to look for a job?

Well, if you're talking about the United States. Try southern Louisiana. Still tons of hurricane damage down there, and they're going to need good architects to create designs for remodeling and creating new buildings.

That's where I would be if I were you. There's a load of money to be made, you just have to be willing to go down there and get it (Not sure about Government relations in that matter, but I'm sure there are government officials down there willing to help you)

China is always looking for architects to help build infrastructure, so if you would like to capitalize on that, you might broaden your horizons in that direction.

With all of the chaos in the Middle East, I would advise against it. Several architects and construction workers have been taken hostage over the past several years in that area. If you're not afraid to be around automatic weapons all day, and firefights don't bother you, you can capitalize there as well.

Sri Lanka still suffers from Tsunami damage, they need help. Pay range might be a little bit lower than usual, but still money to be made. It's up to you.
I am an irish architect looking for work abroad. Where is the best/ area place to look for a job?
Im not an expert by any means but just a guess would be the middle east ie Dubai or somewhere or China.
Reply:In America, any big city like Los Angeles. Rich people are always looking for good architects to get their houses built.
Reply:Yup, definitely the Middle East at the moment.

Looking for a job working on line iam looking for a typing job?

i can not work a job a 9to 5 i need to make some money i can type without leaving my home and i have all day !!!!
Looking for a job working on line iam looking for a typing job?
Most of those "jobs" are rip-offs and a waste of your time.

The only LEGITIMATE ones can be found through a local hospital our medical teaching university...

Hello everybodyI am looking for a job as an instructor of english in Gulf countries , so how can i get that?

Are you fuucking nuts.

Easy way to get your head chopped off.
welsh name

When you are looking for a job?

do you go the job centre? online? or go around town looking and asking if they jobs going on?
When you are looking for a job?
Work from home and earn $5,500 - $8,000 every month?

currently seeking full-time %26amp; part-time workers to enter data for over 10,000 companies around the world. You can earn a significant income every month with no experience. Our program will show you step-by-step how to get started and we will help you continue to generate the income you want!

thank you for
Reply:Have you considered working from home?

I suggest you to try project payday, simply because you don't need any money up front and you can start making money within minutes. I average around 2,500 dollars every month with it. Check it out at
Reply:I was doing hard work of finding home based jobs. Luckily I found this website: They gave me list of top companies. I clicked and find many jobs. Did one job and received my pay yesterday. Best place for home based jobs.
Reply:I suggest you to try project payday, simply because you don't need any money up front and you can start making money within minutes. I average around 3,500 dollars every month with it. Check it out at
Reply:Newspapers and job agents.
Reply:Look at news paper articles and stuff like that.
Reply:go ask for a interview or application thingy
Reply:if you are really serious you will look everywhere... but all work better than sitting on your a$$

I got my cdl class A in january and i am looking for a job that i could be home every day?

OMG!! When I read your question, I thought maybe I POSTED IT! (lol)

I am experiencing the exact same thing! I got my Class A in January, and because it's just me and my minor child, I need something where I can be home nightly. I have applied to about 20 places thus far!

Here are some suggestions:

As you ride around in your city, check out the names and locations on the doors of the commercial vehicles you see. Try the ones based/headquarted in or near your city.

Do an internet search. Type in "trucking jobs" or "Class A jobs" along with your city and state. A whole bunch of options with pop up. (I registered with one of them:

Here is a MUST TRY: Sign up to these internet job search sites and start some "job alerts". I am signed up with,,, and a local newspaper's website. I get job posting to my inbox daily.

Keep up with local job fairs too.

Oh, and check local city/county governments' websites. I have applied with one city job thus far that allowed for an inexperienced driver with a Class A. (And try your state DOT website too).

Your local paper will have local jobs with local companies, of course. I go to my city's local website (as well as the others listed above) and do a "keyword search": CDL. It works.

Keep a copy of your RECENT DMV driving record (and make a bunch of copies of it). Places you apply to WILL ask for it, since you have no driving experience on your resume.


I got my cdl class A in january and i am looking for a job that i could be home every day?
Persistance pays off! I wish I could contact all those "nay-sayers" that said that I would not be able to get a LOCAL Class A job having no experience. WYATT TRANSFER (a LOCAL company) is giving a Sistah a shot!

LM Report Abuse

Reply:Garbage truck - other than that good luck.

I am looking for a job in a candy shop in singapore is there any job opening?

got a very sweet tooth so i want to work in a candy shop in singapore
I am looking for a job in a candy shop in singapore is there any job opening?
Email or write to candy shops in Singapore, and you'll find out.
Reply:Once you see the stuff they make candy out of, you may loose your sweet tooth.
Reply:hi check this link its useful



How early can I start looking for an hourly, part-time job?

I am in college right now and would like to pursue a part time job next semester, which starts Jan. 7. When should I start looking for and applying to jobs?
How early can I start looking for an hourly, part-time job?
There are really no limits.I did my first job when I was 14.It was to hand out brochures.Now I am 15 and this summer I am going to work as a waitress in a beach bar,and a team leader in a summer camp.See?When there is a will,there is a way.You can find work anytime.
Reply:Why not now if you are able to (in the appropriate location etc)
Reply:17 is ok looking for a part-time job...if i were you, you'll have to concentrate first to your studies....
Reply:09:00 tomarrow morning.

It's about time you get off your rump and stop living off mom and dad.
exotic names

Looking for a part time job in chicago?

I'm a19yrs old college student and looking for a part time job. I live on the southside and not opposed to REASONABLE travel. I'm looking for something within the city limits. If anybody has infomation or is hiring themselves, please help. I really need some sort of income.
Looking for a part time job in chicago?
What is your major in school? Getting a part time job that focuses on what field your looking to get into after graduation would be the best thing for you to do. Once you figure out your options, set up a account and search for part time positions in that field. Other great resources are, Careerbuilder, your college career center and staffing agencies. Good Luck!
Reply:Check in local newspaper, Chicago Tribune or you can always work for your area McDonald's if you like

till you get a decent job of your liking.
Reply:I am presently a college student in Hammond IN which isn't too far from you. I have my own AVON business and I also make money from signing people up to sell AVON products. It has flexible hours and you decide where you are willing to travel, whether to sell through the internet, be in leadership (like me and make money), and how far you want to go with the business.

You can earn a car allowance with hard work and dedication as well as a consistent income just for signing people up. If you want to know more please hit my AVON licensed website. If you decide to give it a try ($10 one time fee or a starter kit for free) do me a favor and write down everyone you know that buys clothing, jewelry, makeup, kids items, cleansing products, and facial ageing products too. This will be your customer list to get you started. Biggest retail sales season is right now. The list does not need any info about them just a simple name because they will not be my customers but yours.

(219) 689-3726 Janet

The free starter kit is just a few books and an order form to give it a try and see if you can get orders. You have to pay the $10 fee to actually sale but you get more brochures as well as other business supplies to help you on your way. I also give free additional business supplies to my downline!
Reply:I once was a college student myself. Have you thought about working as a substitute at your local public schools? You know fill in as a teacher sub, para sub, or even a lunch room monitor substitute.

They are good about being flexible. ***no holidays***

My sister is 18 and has no working skills. Where would it be a good place for her to start looking for a job?

You can do lost of jobs to earn money but its not easy dude! u have to work well my friend he earning from internet and its real he is making around 1000 -1200 per month its not so much good income but its good from internet .

My friend is doing some online jobs like Data entry and taking review of new products of companies.

Go to %26gt; Data entry jobs

Note : There you will get about 12 links Each Link opens new company and they paying is different so u check all links one by one in search of high paying companies So check all links.

Good Luck!
My sister is 18 and has no working skills. Where would it be a good place for her to start looking for a job?
Babysitting is not necessarily a job. However, you need no working skills to baby sit. You need to know how to cook mac and cheese and how to change a diaper. Also, with baby sitting, you control when you work, who you work for, and how much you charge. Go around your neighborhood and if you see a family with kids outside their houses just walk up and introduce yourself to them. Mention to them that you babysit and if they would ever like a night out that they could let you know. Works for me. I've made 400 in 1.5 months already.

And plus. Parents will choose an 18 year old to babysit their children before all those 13 and 14 year olds. So you one up them with age, maturity, and experience.
Reply:She may not have any job experience, but everyone has working skills. If she is applying at a care facility to work cleaning patient rooms, she should be sure to give information about being a neat freak or taking housecleaning jobs in your neighborhood to earn money for summer camp. Babysitting shows and interest in working with children, responsibility s.

Did she ever work in the school cafeteria, belong to Girl Scouts and have to sell cookies and nuts? Raise an animal for 4-H or FFA. She can build a resume that is qualification based and not experience based. Perfectly acceptable and most employers with entry-level jobs don't really expect lots of experience. If she took office admin or computer classes in school, she could look into a temp agency that specializes in short-term jobs to build her experience. Good Luck!
Reply:Many people at 18 don't have any working skills. She could work at restaurant, retail, grocery chains. But if she is looking for a job that will train and give a great skill; I recommend the military. After serving 36 months the government will pay 100% for college and give living stipend.
Reply:A employment staffing agency would get her a administrative or customer service job, possibly in a office or bank, hotel, or a call center,I started in housekeeping, it was a decent job. It all depends on what she's intrested in, restaurants are always hiring, and so are hospitals. The summer is coming soon, parents need responsible babysitters, while their at work.
Reply:I'm in the same boat as her and I'm 19. Places do not want me because I have no experience. Well, I can't get experience unless one of you gives me a shot at it!!

So for now I babysit. Babysitting is a good way to make money, depending on who she babysits for that is. I know a girl who babysits and makes $100 each day she babysits. That's freaking great for an 18 year old!!
Reply:grocery stores, fast food restaurants, serving as a waitress, a job at the movies, stocking shelves for a store, ETC. There are many things that she can do. I have heard that in-and-out and costco pays pretty well right when you start.
Reply:Have her look through the telephone book for Hospitality jobs and waitressing in your area.She should be able to find something calling around. If she can carry a tray she is good to go.. if she drops it

Reply:Mcdonalds because they do not require any degree.

All you do is sign up.
Reply:the corner

Looking for a summer job when I get out of high school, but don't know what to do?

I live in the Houma-Thibodaux area, which has the lowest unemployment in the nation right now. There's plenty of stuff out there, but when you factor in my level of education (high school) and work experience (none), my options become a little more limited.

Can anyone recommend a place to work until August? Thanks!
Looking for a summer job when I get out of high school, but don't know what to do?
Consider the possibility of earning your cash by using Google like I do. Anyone with a job can do it to add to their income, or you can even do it as a sole occupation in place of a regular job. Take a look at for a trial with no strings attached.
Reply:Start at a restuarant or something

Not Burger King or Mcdonalds or anything like that, unless you wanna gain some experience in the buisness.

You could always just buying cheap stuff on ebay and sell it for a little higher price like the person who posted before me said :P
Reply:I am so SICK of people advertising their little online money schemes!

I don't know where Houma-Thibodaux is, but my first summer job was at a camp and I LOVED it. You should look into something like that!
Reply:EBAY!!!!! sell everything u dont want and earn a fair some of cash
Reply:MAKE $250,000 with $6 IN WEEKS - AS SEEN ON OPRAH %26amp; 20/20

**Proven by various, highly-respected U.S. TV and Radio programs as being

100% legal, feasible and true.**

**Oprah Winfrey and ABC's investigation team 20/20 also prove it can be


For a simple investment of 15-30 minutes and just $6,

it is 100% worth it to make thousands so quickly.

STOP! If you can鈥檛 even invest $6 dollars in your future, Yes YOU will be poor. 1 share of Toyota costs $61 dollars with no guarantee of return and that return would be only marginal with one share taking you almost 20 years to make about $700!!!!!!! THINK

Remember, all of this is ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! If you have any doubts,

please refer to le 18 Sec.1302 %26amp; 1241 of the United States Postal


*******(HAVE GOOD KARMA DO NOT CHEAT!!!!!)*******

Turn $6 into $15,000 in only 30's how! - revealed to you in

step-by-step detail.

I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it:

Make Money with your Paypal account as shown on Oprah!

"A little while back, I was browsing through news groups and came across an

article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within

weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00!


Read this entire message carefully!

Follow the simple directions and watch the money come in, it's that easy!

It's legal. And, your investment is only $6.00.


Follow these directions EXACTLY, and $20,000 or more can be yours in 4 to 6


This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the

participants. Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the

instructions. In this business your product is not solid and tangible, it's

a service. You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large

corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. However, the

money made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income, which is made

from people like you and me asking to be included in that list.

Here are the 3 easy steps to success:


You must have a verified PayPal account. If you do not have an account,

take a few minutes to join Paypal FREE:

Paypal is 100% secure and is used by millions of people worldwide.

The Internet's most trusted Internet banking system for your future income.

When creating your Paypal account make sure you use the same Email address

as your user name in the list below so people can send money to your



once you have a PayPal account running, use Paypal to pay $1 to EACH of the

6 Email Addresses below because you

pay people with an email address in Paypal.


1. Log in to PayPal. Go to SEND MONEY tab.

2. Type in

Recipients name: (Email address)

Subject:: "EMAIL LIST"




4. Send Money.


What you are doing is creating a service.


You are requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for it!

Send $1.00 to EACH of these Email addresses:








Now, AFTER paying $1.00 to each of the email addresses above, take the #1

Email Address off the list, move the

other Email Addresses up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc.) and add Your Email

Address as number 6 on the list.


Keep this article as close to the original as possible.

Post this article to at least 200 newsgroups (there are thousands of


And email your message to as many people you can. Remember, the more you

post and email the more money you make!



Step #1)

You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply

put your CURSOR at the beginning of this letter and drag your CURSOR to the

bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will

copy the entire letter into your computer's temporary memory.

Step #2)

Open a blank 'Notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank

page. From the 'Edit' menu select 'Paste'. This will paste a copy of the

letter into notepad so that you can add your email to the list.

Step #3)

Save your new Notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings

in different sittings, you'll always have this file to go back to.

Step #4)

Use Netscape or Internet Explorer and try searching for various newsgroups,

on-line forums, message boards, bulletin boards, chat sites, discussions,

discussion groups, online communities, etc. EXAMPLE: go to any search engine

like,,, - then

I have a felonie been looking for a Job anything, why will no-one give me a chance. I'm also attending Parks

I attend Parks College Two days a week, trying to better myself. I really need work! Anything will help at this point. I've filled out tons of applications. Haven't recieved any responses.

I'm a good worker. All I ask is for a chance to prove myself. I made a Mistake early in my teenage years and I've learned from this. Please do not brand me for the rest of my life.%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;
I have a felonie been looking for a Job anything, why will no-one give me a chance. I'm also attending Parks
I have the same problem, I learned a trade and created a company. It is so difficult in todays climate of everyone always scared of the bad guy. Just watching the evening news will convince a person that you have to be super vigilent about protecting yourself from bad people, who in many if not most cases really aren't bad, but were acting dumb at a young time of their lives.

However there are decent people out there who will give people a chance. For example I once had a job at Denny's. The big wig's were in town inspecting the store. I happened to be doing something near the office where all the bosses were hanging out. Another employee approached them with someone's application for work, the head of restaurant took one look at it and told the employee to just throw the ones away that have the word felon written on them. The higher bosses witnessed the entire thing and warned the guy that if he ever said that again to anyone he would be fired on the spot, turns out he was fired a week later. Good luck, I know you'll need it
Reply:I would check with an advisor at your school a lot of times they know about local companies hiring
Reply:Be honest with potential employers and try to better yourself as much as possible. Education is key. Never lie, cheat or steal or tolerate others that do and you will succeed. Just keep trying, and never give up.
gothic names

Looking for a part-time job that pays well. I am 17 years old any suggestions?

I am 17 years old and am currently working a part-time job that doesn't pay well and I don't get any hours. I am really searching for a job that pays well any suggestions?
Looking for a part-time job that pays well. I am 17 years old any suggestions?
If you are smart, tutoring younger students in elementary can probably get you about $10/hr or more depending on your specialty. Check with the school's afterschool programs or through tutoring companies.

If you're not that type of kid, then I when I was your age, I was a babysitter and I charged $10/hr to babysit little rascals. I had about 3 families that I would rotate throughout the week. I just spent about $50 to post a job wanted ad in the newspaper. I must have made over $1000 in a couple months in the summer part-time.

Restaurants pay hosts and hostesses over $8 to host, depending on the restaurant, you know.

Also, places like gyms and small offices will hire 17-year-olds to answer phones, file and stuff, usually for about $9/hr.
Reply:work at a movie theatre, and clean theatres it is really easy and pays like $8.25/h.
Reply:At 17 the only jobs that are available are McDonald's, Wal-Mart, etc.

It's hard to get a good job if your are only 17.

When you turn 18 you might be able to work as a server in a restaurant and this would pay more.

Good luck.
Reply:well where do you work now? and retail is a good place.. i get 7.50 haha but panera bread pays like 8 and two of my friends work there and theyre paychecks are phat. anywhere is gonna start you at the bottom your have to work for your raises. retail is fun, food not so much!

Were can i find a website were you look for jobs in the working at petsmart or petco...?

Yahoo Jobs (linked on the Yahoo! front page)
Were can i find a website were you look for jobs in the working at petsmart or petco...?
Go to PetsMart's and Petco's websites also: and
Reply:Try OR OR OR

Good luck.
Reply:Go the careerbuilder, monster, hotjobs, etc. You can also type the company website and search for jobs. Go to temporary services website, etc..

Besides these, you can go directly to the website of the store you are interested in working for and go to the careers or jobs or employment link and find out about opportunities and how to apply. Hope this helps. good sight, and you can also download your resume. has some listings. also do a search on google for jobs or employment and also the city where you live. there should be a database available to you with many jobs listed.
Reply:Look at the site they have something about jobs there

Will it cost to move from San antonio to austin when you are in college and looking for a part- time job only?

Hypothetically speaking, let's just say.

I'll be going to a college and pay with student loan.

I'll be working part- time only (I don't know any good stores to apply to yet), I have very little experience though.

I heard 1st year at UT is free but after that u have to pay or look for an apartment.
Will it cost to move from San antonio to austin when you are in college and looking for a part- time job only?
Austin is likely more expensive that San Antonio. Most people moving here from other parts of Texas are surprised at the cost of living. Remember that this is a college town and a boom town, so rent tends to be high.

UT is not free. It is still inexpensive compared to many other state universities around the country, but it will cost you 10K a year when you consider tuition, fees, books, and room/board. More if you live lashishly.

My suggestions:

- Drive up to Austin and look around. Get to know the town a little. Perhaps, try to find someone who lives here, preferably a UT student, to show you around (check with UT to see if they can facilitate this).

- Use apartment locators and the Austin papers to see what rent will cost. Look at some places, even if you are not ready to rent yet. Look for a roommate if possible. Also remember that you don't have to live within walking distance from the university, UT shuttle busses go throughout the city and the Capital Metro bus system is free for UT students.

- Get some job experience, it is always easier to find a job if you already have one. Part time jobs aren't going to pay much, so trying everything you can to get a better than minimum wage is well worth it. Also, remember that if you can live close to where you work, it will make live easier.

- The other answerer makes a good point that loans are the least desirable way to pay for college. I am 10 years out of college and still paying them. Look for grants, scholarships, and work/study programs, anything to avoid racking up that loan balance.
Reply:I don't know of any university that is free. you have to pay tuition at any school. Austin is expensive to live in compared to San Antonio. Part time jobs are difficult to come by since there are so many students there. You may want to start at SAC or UTSA before jumping into UT Austin.
Reply:Unfortunately, UT is not free, and moving always costs money (transportation, moving your stuff, apartment deposits, possibly utilities deposits, application fees, etc).

If you qualify for financial aid (instead of loans), look into it at the schools you would like to apply to.

Also do your research if you are getting student loans, since many of them have high and/or variable interest rates.
Reply:As the mother of two sons who went to college there, let me fill you in on what we found. One of your other answerers stated check into grants, scholarship, work-study programs. This is wise advice. If you qualify for a pell grant or other grant, this is "free" money that you get to go to school and do not have to pay back. Student loans are expensive when the payback time comes, but if it is the only way that you can go to college, it is worth it to take out the loans, just remember that they do vary in interest rates and you should do some shopping before signing on the dotted line. You CAN pay for living expenses with a grant, a part time job and some student loans (will your family kick in some dough too?). There are lots of part time jobs available for college students. Most of them are not great paying jobs because they are filled by inexperienced people. I have seen signs at varying times of the year quoting up to $10.00 an hour to start at some fast food places though and there are lots of waitstaff positions in various places that might give you good tips. Sales positions in retail would tend not to pay very well, I would think. Check out the Austin American Statesman ( they always have lots of things listed. Also, check with the University itself. They hire students in all sorts of capacities. Figure it out - a degree is worth its weight in gold in the future, and one from UT is worth a lot.

Good Luck with your Education.


I'm looking for a 2nd job in the evening and weekends?

I already have a full time job but need extra income. I'm looking for something for the evenings and weekends. Ideally working from home but would be willing to go out and about if the job is right. I am not willing to pay fees upfront. Does anyone have any ideas. Just looking to top up my income not got rich rich quick schemes
I'm looking for a 2nd job in the evening and weekends?
I am an independent demonstrator for Uppercase Living. We sell decorative vinyl expressions. I started in June and I am doing really well. Although you do need to purchase your kit, you do get a credit to spend on some expressions, within the first 30 days. Uppercase Living is have an incentive through February 28th. You can go on my website and see what it is we sell. The company is 3 years old and is doing exceptionally well. If you have any questions, send me an email through my website and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Reply:Please try visiting our websites:
Reply:you should check this out:

good luck
Reply:search through the internet you will find one

good luck
Reply:i dont no sorrrryy
swedish names

Looking for job in sleep labratories located in chicago area.?

UIC has a SLEEP LAB they conduct studies regularly.

their number is 312-413-9779.

I am looking to move from CA to Raleigh NC, any suggestions when to apply for jobs and when how to find housin?

Moving from CA to NC
I am looking to move from CA to Raleigh NC, any suggestions when to apply for jobs and when how to find housin?
Depends on which industry you want to be in. I would begin applying four to six weeks ahead of the move for most industries. Note on your resume when you expect to be available. Also look for employment in the surrounding areas, Durham, Chapel Hill, Knightdale, Cary, etc. If it's just you and you aren't that picky, you should be able to find an apartment fairly easy. The area is fairly transient with alot of the residents being fairly young. Possibly narrow down your options, but don't sign a lease until you have a job offer.

Hope it helps.
Reply:Finding housing shouldnt be a problem, just driving thru raliegh and neighboring towns for sale signs are up everywhere. And many prices of the houses have dropped sometimes 20 to 50,000 below initial asking price. If your looking into apartments then they may be a bigger challenge, but there are plenty of apartments and condos available, just check online publications of newspapers for advertisements or the yellow pages and call around/ email for availability. There are many job openings in Raliegh right now, but hardly any entry level jobs. Its extremely hard to find a job without any experience here just bc there are more people wanting a job than there are jobs. But im sure its like that in most places.

You should try find a job before the move if u can, as well a living situation, even if it is just temporary. Its never to soon to start looking around at your possibilities.

hope u like NC if u decide to move

I am looking for a student summer job abroad, pref Waitress/Bar work where should i search?!?

Ive had a little look around the internet but all i seem to find is for like summer camps, i want to work in a cafe, hotel or a club or something, Any ideas on websites i can find these on for abroad? Thanks.
I am looking for a student summer job abroad, pref Waitress/Bar work where should i search?!?
i know a few in europe, but i myself am looking for more opportunities in europe.

for spain: you can choose by city and there are lots of classifieds there mostly language exchange or tutors needed, etc. that one is for barcelona, madrid, or berlin.

i don't know if either website has good stuff on it...

also, try craigslist and even facebook if you're part of a foreign network. i found a family looking for an au pair on facebook, and i'm pretty sure it was legit.

last thing, my friend from sweden put an ad in a swedish magazine that is sent out in spain (random, yes) and ended up getting hired by a swedish woman who owned a restaurant in spain.

i don't know of any good sites for this, but try finding a place that sets you up for teaching english abroad, to high school aged students or something...

the search will always be a bit risky, but when you find something it will be worth it. good luck!

Looking for a job in the carribean...Specifically the island of St. Kitts?

I have experience in the fisheries field but anything would do...
Looking for a job in the carribean...Specifically the island of St. Kitts?
you could get your masters in scuba diving coach. i know some one who did that and they got apid alot. they also did that in teh carribean.

hope i helped. xoxo
name spelling

I am looking for a part-time job during the holiday season. Which retail outlets would be best to apply to?

in regards to pay, scheduling..Thanks!
I am looking for a part-time job during the holiday season. Which retail outlets would be best to apply to?
What about Wal-mart?
Reply:I am so glad that I came across your question because I have the perfect suggestion for you. This is how I will be earning holiday money this year.

This is no joke and is one of the best opportunities to make money online. I promise.

This page explains everything in detail and also contains videos of payment proofs.

Human powered mobile search co will hire you to work at home for

$3.00 - $9.00 hr:
Reply:Are you set on working in a store, or would you be interested in being your own boss and earning a great income from home?

Looking for job overseas?

I am looking for information on going to kuwait for a job, civilian or contractor job, does anyone know any site to go to and get more info on how to do this and what company's that are reputable. Or if anyone is military and has this information it would be much appreciated. I am looking for more of a clerical or administrative type job, will consider some other legal ones to.

Looking for job overseas? however, most of the jobs there are skilled or specialized. Most of the admins are the wives of the skilled/specialized workers.
Reply:1. Under no circumstances do you pay for finding such a job. There are scammers who will love to tell you no problem, you've got the job, now you need a work visa, send $1000 and we'll get one for you.

2. You need a skill that they can't find locally. Clerical or administrative doesn't sound like a specialty.

Looking for a job in Clinton Ms?

Im living in Clinton Ms and Im fifteen years old and I need a job BAD. Theres alot of things I need righ tnow like clothes, shoes, and school supplies but I need the money to pay for it. Does anyone know any kind of job that would help me? And i dont care what kinda job it is either as long as its not standing out on the street Thanks!
Looking for a job in Clinton Ms?
Hi Amanda,

I live up the road from you in Senatobia. I have 2 jobs, and I am 15. Does your town have a soccer association? Become a referee if possible- I miake up to 120 bucks a week! Or, like my other jobs, you could say "thank you, come again" at mcdonalds. Or, like me again, work at Wal-mart on the weekends. Hope this helps you.

I am looking for my first job i am 15 yo guy ?

What job would be good fun?
I am looking for my first job i am 15 yo guy ?

Just start with places such as:


Fast Food Restaurants

Department Stores

There are some really good jobs involved in these.

Hope this helps.
Reply:At your age any job you can get.
sanskrit name

Looking for 100% free genuine data entry jobs in India.?

I am looking for jobs only which require no investment at all. They should be data entry as my speed is quite good. I want genuine sites which do not ask for money and give genuine work.
Looking for 100% free genuine data entry jobs in India.?
Spiderweb Marketing System is the hottest, cutting-edge system in the Network Marketing Industry,

22 income streams,

best income stream is GDI, here is BBB rating of GDI + ?site=26%26amp;bbb=1186%26amp;firm=28007456

Spiderweb Marketing System is easy to learn. And most amazingly, its totally FREE to start.

also, here is video proof of payments,

Go to this link, and you can really earn money. It is mostly for part time job seekers. But full-time jobs seekers might also find it useful. Report Abuse

Reply:My one of the friend is doing this job of taking orders for data entry. He can help you. His name is Nikhil Dandekar. What I feel is instead of searching for sites, just contact him.

I'm looking for a holiday/ seasonal job. What department store pays the best?

I am looking for something in retail. Which big name stores pay the best? Also, does anybody have any other ideas for seasonal/ holiday work?
I'm looking for a holiday/ seasonal job. What department store pays the best?
My niece is helping a decorator with seasonal Christmas decorations and making quiet well at it.

I'm looking for a job that pays a living wage and is not to physically demanding and I could work alone. ?

I want a sinecure. An easy job that pays well. What I mean is that I'm sure there are whole fields of employment that I haven't considered working in that might be more suited attitude. I've worked hard for the last few years and I need a shift. Work from varied fields most appreciated. Thanks
I'm looking for a job that pays a living wage and is not to physically demanding and I could work alone. ?
that question does not belong in myth, geez people nowdays %26gt;.%26gt;
Reply:You posted this in the mythology section, so you must mean becoming a fortune-teller. Learn to read palms or tarot cards.
Reply:why did you put this in the mythology section?
Reply:Really depends on so much-- interests, qualifications, background.

Easy jobs don't generally pay well; though a job you are good at and enjoy might seem easy. Since I know nothing about you, it's hard to imagine what that might be. For example, writing is an easy job for me, I enjoy it and do it well. That doesn't mean it's easy and will pay well for anyone who tries it just to earn a wage.

Try getting the book from the library "What Color Is Your Parachute." It helps you evaluate your aptitudes and interests and gives you suggestions of the type of careers you might be most successful and happy with-- then do research into those fields.

I am looking for a job in Chicago, in or near Wicker Park.?

I am moving to Chicago at the end of this month and am looking to find work as soon as possible to help pay my share of the bills. I was hoping that someone could direct me to websites that would allow me to find jobs in, preferably, Wicker Park. Thanks so much. :)
I am looking for a job in Chicago, in or near Wicker Park.?
log onto they have good help wanted ads for both full %26amp; part time
greek name

17year old looking for job?

Any companies and tips will help. And i have been working for 1 year at chick-fil-a
17year old looking for job?
this site has some ideas on how to earn money,
Reply:You could try working from home using your computer when you aren't working your normal job.

I made some extra money just by taking a few surveys. Although it may seem like a scam, this is actually for real. I like to think realistically, so you may not make millions by doing this, but you definately earn for the amount of work you put in. And, you can put anywhere from just a few minutes a day to 40 hours a week into it. Did I mention there is no startup costs??

Here's the site:

Good luck! Let me know if you need any help.
Reply:Hi I believe I can assist you! This site helped me pay for college!! Have your heard of a site Called Free Cash Cafe? If not, they are owned by a company called Green Data Tree, LLC.They Pay their members to fill out company Surveys, Free Trails, and watch commercials, which are all FREE. They pay their members via check; checks are mailed out on a monthly schedule. The minimum a user must earn to receive a check is $7.Plus, the company also offers a great referral commission of 30% from every person that you refer to the company. All needed to join is a valid email address nothing else.

To join go to:
Reply:You can try this. They don鈥檛 ask for a credit card or any money, like the scam sites.

You won鈥檛 get rich though.

It鈥檚 about $100 per week. They pay by Paypal and check.

I have posted pictures of Paypal payments I have received, as proof.

Reply:I'd find a second job like ummm, McDonalds or something when ur finsihed wit the first one.

I'm looking for a job as a bus operator in NYC?

I have experience in operatoring a bus. I've worked for NYC transit
I'm looking for a job as a bus operator in NYC?
dude, youre too sexy to be a bus operator in the big apple.

Reply:I'm with you thats where the money and the benifits are Maybe this will help

I am looking for a job in Spain, I am a car sprayer with NVQ level 3 and waterbase exp?

there are a number of English speaking garages in Spain particularly along the Costas popular with the English, try looking via google Spain search engine, some knowledge of Spanish would be a good idea before you go, particularly for your trade

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Im looking for a job offered on tv about maintenence for wind trubines in the southwest?

its for my dad he wants to know
Im looking for a job offered on tv about maintenence for wind trubines in the southwest?
Southwest of what country?
ghetto names

Iam looking for a genuine online data entry jobs/online typing jobs from home?and also i stay in india?

i saw the websites of and but i want to know whether they are legitimate or just scams because i've had several bitter experiences before..and i stay in india so please suggest me a genuine site from which i can earn by data enry or typin online
Iam looking for a genuine online data entry jobs/online typing jobs from home?and also i stay in india?
To start with, look them up on Better Business Bureau., search out the name of the company and the location if you can find it.

Always get a real phone number and dial it to see if there is a real person on the other end.

Don't be afraid to ask for referrals of the last 5 people they have entered into there business, after all, you are interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you.

Make sure the business has a real address. No P.O. boxes or anything that smell funny. Yoy don't need to waste your time and you're not that desperate to take just anything.

What type of customer service do they have? Do they have online support? I like that the best than you can resolve issues right on the spot.

I signed up today as an affiliate of a site and used their online support. They gave me the answers I needed to hear and I left feeling a lot more relaxed about it than when I started.

Do you you homework. They call it due diligence, and it's the most important process in starting any home based business.

Good luck in whatever you do, and if you can't find a data entry job, get in touch and we can work together.

Environment graduated, 3 yrs, from nepal and i am nepalese looking for a job anywhere in the world?

now i am working in bahrain as purchasing and administration officer,
Environment graduated, 3 yrs, from nepal and i am nepalese looking for a job anywhere in the world?
Good question.

- Prepare a great resume, listing your experience and goals.

- Consider non-paying, volunteer activities. This will add important items on your resume.

- Join conservation organization that are science-based. These often have job referral sites. Be sure to attend local and national professional conservation organization meetings. You will be able to add these activities to your resume.

- Visit national parks and governmental organization headquarters, on non-holiday, non-busy days. Make an appointment with their personel, or human resources person to discuss possitions. Ask to speak with a manager, in a career field you are interested.

- Look in the phone book, and find commercial contractors who offer a service in a career-field you are interested. Visit their office (with your resume) and find out if you'd like them to keep you appraised of any vacancies.

- Visit local job-fairs. Enroll in local job fairs. Move to an area you wish to work, and start applying to jobs. Newpapers are a poor source of professional, environmental careers, and don't subscribe to anyplace you have to pay to find you a job.

Its good because you're willing to try to find an answer.

I've been working in this career field for 40 years, and am now retired, but teach college biology subjects.

Good luck!

I'm looking for a job in Australia, Brisbane.?

As per above, i'm looking for a job in brisbane, australia and would like to know what is the highest paying job there. I have a US degree is business admin but i don't mind pursuing other courses to get to work in the field you would recommend.


I'm looking for a job in Australia, Brisbane.?
Have you thought about being a "Call Guy" or a jiggalo?

Hi I'm a thirteen year old who live in the Milwaukee area and I'm looking for a job but can't find one

13 and in need of a job but doesn't know where to look
Hi I'm a thirteen year old who live in the Milwaukee area and I'm looking for a job but can't find one
Are you in public school? Have you looked into the public schools' internship programs?

If that won't work for you, I think that your best bet is to try to sell your services in things like lawn care, baby-sitting, running errands, etc.
Reply:im 13 to and i live in Wisconsin and i wanna job too, and i looked on the internet, and it says it's against the law to have a real job 13 or younger, so ull have to stick to babysitting and mowing lawns!!!
Reply:Hi Snookie,,, (cute name)..... being that young it will be difficult to do i am sorry to say....have you thought about cutting yards.... i know it sounds awful.. but i did that ,,, and made good money,,,, about 50 bucks a yard..... depending on the size......

good luck
Reply:LOOK HERE IN DULCE WE HAVE A lot of job openings
Reply:Milwaukee OR? I would make up some flyers and offer a lawn mowing service. Or, you could scoop up their dog poop, take their dogs for walks, clean houses. At most grocery stores you have to be at least 16 to work. Good luck with your job search.
Reply:No one is going to hire a 13 year old. See if you can't babysit for someone.
Reply:hay, im 13 too its sucks i no, but if u really ant a job lie about ur age, i do it all the time, but im lazy and dont want a job
Reply:you are to young and it is against the law for you to be hired

you could always mow lawns do a paper route or babysit
Reply:I think a paper route is your only option. I could be wrong.
Reply:your 13! enjoy not having to work! trust me you'll have the rest of your life to work! be a kid and have fun!
Reply:You are either a pervert looking to abuse children or you are a very dumb child.
Reply:Try a paper route... that's about all you'll find that young.
Reply:Try your local newspaper delivering papers door to door thats what I did when I was your age.

Good luck
Reply:Ha! I'm 16 in NY and can't find a job either. Sucks, doesn't it? Mostly, use people you know and ask around. Offer to babysit, because it pays decent and it's halfway enjoyable.
Reply:Why not try bussing at a local restaraunt. Most places fringe on employing youths under the age of 14 because of insurance purposes..

Walk dogs, child watch, house cleaning/errands for elderly folks.
Reply:You need to put up flyer's in the super market for baby-sitting, clean-up for senior citizens, or lawn care. Make sure you run this by your parents first. Good luck.
Reply:Technically, I don't think 13 year olds can work in Wisconsin. Maybe paper route, like mentioned before.
Reply:you're underage, it's illegal for you to be hired for work.

unless you do what the first person said, or work for neighbors about a babysitter?
Reply:why dont you go babysit kids around ur neighborhood. i think you have to be at least 16 to work somewhere like mcdonalds. when you turn 14 you could wave signs at the corner.
Reply:Do your parents own a business or know someone that own a small business? They could be willing to hire you and pay you under the table.

You could try a paper route, or try selling catalogue stuff like Avon/regal.

Babysitting is an option. I've been there, it's actually a LOT of work for bad pay.

If you're looking for something to and don't need money that much, volunteer or go to a camp to be a Leader/Counsellor in training. Looks great on a resume later on and helps in so many ways, not to mention that Leader/Counsellor in training usually get hired on the next year

Good Luck!
Reply:do some hard labor like me and mow lawns or wash cars. don't expect great pay.
Reply:Oh honey...

Your too young. If someone were to hire you, you would hardly get any hours cause thats child labor. You should work for like a family member to pay you cash... a retail store wont hire you. I work in a small store and we wont hire any one under 20.
Reply:don`t u have to be 14 to have job i`m only 13 and next year i am going to get a job at DQ or at candy kitchen thats were i am going to work at
Reply:i dont know,im lookin' 4 a job too
unisex names

Hi I am a 14 year old boy I'm looking for a job in LA?

I'm normal boy and I dont want any of that survey's crap I would do I don't know like I dont mind walking a dog sitting in an office babysitting I live in westwood.

Please Help, Thank You So Much, Anthony
Hi I am a 14 year old boy I'm looking for a job in LA?
Here's a short list of jobs which you can create to generate income:

1. Learn calligraphy so that you can provide handwritten invitations and thank you notes to prospective wedding parties, birthday celebrations, etc. Seek out clients through wedding planners at nearby churches and temples. A starter calligraphy kit usually runs around $20 and anyone can easily pick up this skill. The going rate is usually $1 per hand addressed item.

2. Become a "poser" who assists wedding photographers in setting and arranging various individuals in group and single photographic positions. "Posers" carry around a sketch book of various sitting and standing poses which consists of onion skin overlays of various wedding pictures bound in albums. Again, contact local wedding photographers and wedding planners, accordingly. The hourly pay is around $10-$12 per hour and you are often invited to attend all dining activities.

3. Seek from your neighbors a gardner position which involves planting, weed removal, plant/tree trimming, light brush clearance. You will be using the neighbor's equipment and tools. Again, do not represent yourself as a lawn mower since there are any number of safety issues involved. A door-to-door solicitation of surrounding neighbors is required and you can charge between $6 to $9 per hour.

4. Offer policing/removal or clearance of trash services to surrounding neighbors which involve trash pickup within nearby residential area. Limit the extent of pickup to small areas and be aware that there are no hazardous terrain or elements involved in this process. Again, a door-to-door solicitation of neighbors is in order. You can charge between $6.75 to $7.50 per hour.

5. Acquire a set of window cleaning tools [a bucket, liquid window cleaner, sponge, squeegee, handle with an extension and a small step ladder] and solicit local businesses for your window cleaning services. However, be careful to limit the height of the window cleaning to no higher than one story. Charge $1 per window panel.

6. Become a proxy/stand-in for neighbors to allow delivery of goods and packages to your home/apartment. Acquire the authority to sign any receipt of incoming packages as an accepting neighbor. Charge $1 per each package handled by you.

7. Consider becoming a restaurant-cafe customer liaison by using your cell phone at restaurants-cafes to coordinate with the hostess to keep track of waiting customers. Whenever there's a very long period of time to activate a waiting list, you want to offer the restaurant your services so that customers do not have to stand around for any lengthy period of time. And when their name/assigned number comes up; you can call the upcoming customer's cell phone to tell them that they can return to the restaurant and be served. The call back fee is usually around $0.50 cents on a per head basis. For example, a couple would be charged $1.00 while children under 6 would not be charged. Placement of a plaque which outlines your fee schedule near the hostess station is sufficient to garner attention of prospective customers who will value your services since they can do other activities outside of the restaurant -- often beyond the range of any inhouse paging system. You realize that everyone has a cellphone and why not take advantage of the connectivity to make the diner's experience worthwhile. The restaurant will also appreciate the added service you are providing as a customer liaison.

8. Why not become a paid feeder servicing the disabled at nearby nursing, convalescent, assisted living/care centers and hospitals. It involves feeding food to patients who are unable to feed themselves. The starting rate is $8.00 per hour. The only downside is that one has to take precautions to wash one's hands after each feeding. A posting of your services [by a business card or flyer] on a reviewable bulletin board would be enough to generate customers. The paid feeder position is one of the fastest growing occupation at this time.

Good luck!
Reply:Teenage jobs are best done through your local school, public library or church. You will be surprised at the job opportunities posted in your Church. They might be able to hook you up in summer type jobs like caddying in golf courses, day camps for kids, life guards in town pools, etc.

How about going into business? If you have a skill that you can make money on why not? For example, if you are creative and good with your hands you can make something and sell it to your classmates, friends and relatives. Or you can buy things at discount and sell them at a profit. You can also wash cars and do odd jobs for your neighbors. When I was a kid a I shined shoes on weekends. Even if you don't make money, the experience would be well worth it. Go to these sites for more information on how to start a teen business.

Peace and blessings!
Reply:its too late kid but u can volunteer and go from house to house and beg for a job

Looking for local roofing/paintng jobs in area code 910 and 843. how do i find such newby to computer.?

This works for any area code: Call a home builder in your area (somebody like Drees Home Builders or any builder near you). Ask them to tell you who their subcontract companies are for roofing/painting jobs. You'll find good ones that way.

Another idea: Go by some subdivision where homes are being built, ask for the foreman and get his business card. 2 chances to 1, it's an independent contractor and will do the job for you at below rate.

What is a good job for an American looking to live in Sweden for a couple years?

I am graduating in May and would like to live in Sweden for a year or two and having trouble finding employment.
What is a good job for an American looking to live in Sweden for a couple years?
Yeah, without some kind of educational connection, your chances of finding anything in Sweden as a non-EU citizen are slim.

The Americans I met in Sweden were teachers, engineers, basketball players, coaches of American football, jazz musicians, and the like -- or the "sambo" of Swedes.
Reply:If you're good at it... English tutor
Reply:AFAIK the best way to get a work and residency permit is to graduate from a Swedish university. Look into doing masters at a Swedish uni or your dream will not come true.

Single mom looking for job?

I am a single mom who lost day care options and i need a job. i graduated college but am having zero luck finding a job with my degree. i am running out of options and time. i could go for a part time job and retail is not one of them. if you have any ideas for a single mom please comment me back asap. i am exhausted from job searching.
Single mom looking for job?
You're probably already doing this, but be sure to write specific resumes and cover letters for every job. Include only your employment history that relates to positions for which you apply.

Print the job requisition and "parrot" the information contained in it. Lace your resume with their key phrases.

For example: If the job spec. says "resolve vendor or contractor grievances", place that phrase in the description of what you've done.

It's a tough market and nobody reads resumes anymore. If you want interviews, your resume must contain 'keywords' that employers are looking for.

Does your college, the one you just graduated from, have career counseling? Mine do. Counselors are great at identifying which skills you have and matching them to careers of interest to you.

Good luck.
Reply:I am a single mom, just blogging on my personal site about being between jobs. I have a suggestion that some might take offense to. First of all you will need a support system. If you know someone in the direct sales party plan business who is doing good at it, you might want to give her a call. Call somebody who is making money at it, and can teach you how to do the same thing. There are a few that don't require any start up. You have to be willing to talk to people .. it's worth a try. It really really is. Avon start up is $10. Butterfly Boutique start up is FREE. But with Butterfly you have to commit as your kit is on consignment. Look around and see what's out there that will work for you and your lifestyle. I just believe that you must have a support system, otherwise it will be more like work than fun and you'll be back where you started. Hope this helps!
Reply:You can apply for freelance writing, bookkeeping, software, transcription, online tuition or customer service work at home jobs. These companies do not require any fee and pay well . List of companies(with websites) offering genuine work at home jobs is available at . Many of these companies have been in business for several years

Reply:umm... whats your degree???

You may have to widen your job search and move to another area. In todays economy thats probably the best bet for you.
common names

I am looking for a job to do at home where can i babysitting, filling out paper on the computer.?

babysitting,data enter,answer service, anything that pays a bills
I am looking for a job to do at home where can i babysitting, filling out paper on the computer.?
why do you want a job at home? burgerking and mcdonalds are allways hireing

I'm looking for a job in childcare any advice I am over 40 and starting a new career?

I will be volunteering with the headstart %26lt;leads%26gt; program soon
I'm looking for a job in childcare any advice I am over 40 and starting a new career?
teaching assistant - its one of the most rewarding jobs i have ever had
Reply:Look for a man, do something and get a baby.
Reply:get your lisenses and then post it everwere you can and you will get a call and have good prices there are alot of working moms out there who are just looking for a cheap babby sitter well she can go work

I am looking for a job opportunity in Pune. More details available on request.?

Seasoned professional with 8 years of exp in Business Operations. I am ready to start immediately.
I am looking for a job opportunity in Pune. More details available on request.?
Receive $200-$800 weekly.

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Reply:Because of you have a great experience of 8 years so there are a lot of chances to grab job in private and govt sector as well. In Pune for govt job you can visit
Reply:See IT cube; excellent company to work for !

ITCube Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

G Building 6th Floor,

Crystal Corporate,

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Tel:+91-20-24263847, 24264055.

Sites to look for jobs in canada?
children names

What are some of the jobs you can look for after you graduate from school if you studied finance?

i'm gonna be a college student next year, and i'm trying to choose my major, finance is in my list, can anyone tell the job related to finance? especially in stock marketing.
What are some of the jobs you can look for after you graduate from school if you studied finance?
If you major in finance there are many stock market related jobs you can pursue.

These would include:

1. Investment banking analyst (where you help

companies raise money)

2. Investment research analyst (where you help

people figure out what stocks to buy or sell)

3. Trading desk assistant (where you work with

people who execute stock trades)

4. Institutional sales assistant (where you work

with salespeople that have big institutions as


5. Private client sales assistant (where you work

with salespeople that have individual investors

as clients)

6. Financial analyst, operations (where you work

more with the internal finances of a brokerage

or investment banking firm)

7. Portfolio management assistant (where you

work with people who manage large sums of


My advice would be:

1. Try to do very well in your finance courses.

2. Do Summer internships with Wall Street

investment banks or with investment manage-

ment firms. Some of these firms hire directly

from the pool of successful Summer interns.
Reply:hi check this link its useful


Reply:finance ?? maybe a accountant ??

or staff maybe or you should try money consultant ??

I have done post graduation in hospitality management and i m looking for a job.i dont want to do a job in ?

hotel line what else i can try for?
I have done post graduation in hospitality management and i m looking for a job.i dont want to do a job in ?
Restaurants, night clubs, entertainment venues (sports stadiums etc). Private clubs. Sometimes companies have their own exclusive eating clubs. Think outside the box. What about travel industry? Cruise ships and resort areas. Good Luck!
Reply:You can manage a team for catering events.
Reply:What Our Country %26amp; fast moving Population Require is Healthy Food %26amp; Gaidence

Would Sujest To Start a Salad Bar

Hospitality IN Health %26amp; Nutritional Food On day to day bases

I have seen in various corporate Houses what they serve as food Is Just To nFEEL your Stomak %26amp; No NUTRITION

U can start Tiffin or food Services which has NUtrion in it

By starting your own Venture You will Also suport your Staff %26amp; Their Family

Just think abou it.
Reply:you can also work for a facilities management company such aramark, compass group, sodexo.

They manage food and other facilities for colleges and universities, school services, business, hospitals....

Jobs to look for with a CIS degree?

I recently recieved my bachelors degree in CIS and I have been looking for a job. What I find is that CIS is so spread all over the place that I am having trouble figuring out what I am truely qualified for. I am asking what kind of jobs should I be applying. It would have to be entry level but I also want it to be something that I would be able to advance from. Help please. Do most jobs train you or do they expect you to come in the door knowing everything?
Jobs to look for with a CIS degree?
I have a 4 year CIS (Computer Information Systems) degree also. I am a systems administrator in the server environment at a large aerospace company. Most CIS people start out with positions in the Help Desk or Desktop Support areas. Eventually you may work into Server Support which is where I am after 11 years. Actually I was fortunate to skip into that area fairly early in my career.

Just remember when you mess up a desktop user you have only one upset person. When you hose up a server you have hundreds or thousands of angry people who know your name.

Most employers are going to figure you have a basic knowledge and then they will train you what you need to know specific to their environment and their policies. You will likely have a mentor assigned to you. The position I am in I often help out new folks as much as I can and try to help them survive the steep learning curve. I don't mind if someone asks questions. I do mind if they take action presuming they know what is right and mess something up. Our environment is under tight change control. Before you do anything to one of our servers you have to get approvals and present back out plans for what you are about to change. This involves presenting what you are proposing before 1 or more boards of people who sanity check what you are requesting. It not only makes for a more stable environment but keeps newbies from making a critical error.

Best Wishes...
Reply:Help desk is a good entry level job and just gain experience but while you are looking get your own e-commerc site. Alot of people look for businesses not jobs but maybe this will help

Where do writers generally look for jobs online? sometimes has listings. Monster does also.
Where do writers generally look for jobs online?
Reply:Hope these job websites can help you.

Maybe you can find real work at home jobs.
bakugan names

College student needs help looking for a job with hardly any previous experience?

i am a college student with no job as i am looking all around. i dont have a car so its that much harder. i worked at the haunted graveyard for a month but its seasonal and thats pretty much it. when i go to pick up applications i am always clean shaven, neat, tidy, and smell good. mind you my hair is wild and crazy but i always wet, grease and slick it back so i look like a different person pretty much. but i also see kids with hair just like mine who get jobs.

and sometimes the people even recognize me because i go in there so much applying for a job. but whenever i get the application, i always have trouble. because i dont have any previous experience with any thing long term. i dont know what to write because i dont have any experience. and i can admit that i dont have the best grades but i like people. i can work hard wether it be for a friend for nothing or a multi millionaire company. i am in dire need of money as a college student with no car.
College student needs help looking for a job with hardly any previous experience?
Go for a work study job. They're relatively easy to get and the experience won't hurt.
Reply:I hate to say it, but go to a fast food place. Even if only for 6 months, you will now have income and a career history.

Now how is it that you never worked, did you maybe cut grass or did other work to sustain your lifestyle? Could you say that you were self employed? DId you shovel snow or babysit?

Maybe you could cut your hair, greased and slicked back might not be attractive, and just because current employees have the same hair, it does not mean that they had it when they got hired.

HI I am 2005 passed out B.Tech fresher looking for job in IT field. I have done advaced diploma in REAL TIME?

HI INDIRA....if ur in indai, u can look into freeads papers, if any other u can check on the calssifieds column to find a suitable job for ur career....u can even try'' admag''..these r the daily readers in local cities......if ur looking somethin from internet, then there r few sites like..''yahoo jobs''...or rediff and many other , y dont u google it to be more appropriate or a job close to ur city u live,,,,

good luck.

{ N.R.I}

I'm a small biz owner looking for Free Job posting site. I've been using craiglist but they will start fees.?

Just when I thought I found a great website to post free job ads...They will charge $25 per ad (Houston, Texas). I cannot afford to pay for each time I need to post. Anyone know any good website to place FREE job ads? Thanks.
I'm a small biz owner looking for Free Job posting site. I've been using craiglist but they will start fees.?
Search for free online classifieds in your area.

What sort of job should I be looking for?

I'm in Year 9 and in a few months we pick our options for what to take at GCSE. I have no idea what I want to take though. I am good at writing stories and I can design and code a website. I enjoy ICT and English, and designing graphics. Does anyone have ideas for what I can be when I'm older?

This is very vague, sorry.
What sort of job should I be looking for?
No silly, it's not vague all are describing your strengths and you may want to research a career in graphic design.

also engineering, there are so many thngs you can do with both of these majors....and there is alot of need in the workplace for both. I say graphic design because you HAVE to be a good story teller to create a label or design, after all every good design tells a story!

Both require creativity and good computer skills.

Hey if you can, also minor in spanish, you'd be surprised how many jobs now require or DESIRE spanish speakers.
flower name

Is this a good objective statement, for a student looking for a part-time job?

"To obtain a sales position in a customer oriented environment"

I am looking for a part time job, while i still go to high school. I am thinking of applying at various places like blockbuster and clothing and foot apparel stores. Also some fast food restaurants also. Thanks.
Is this a good objective statement, for a student looking for a part-time job?
Short, sweet, to the point.

Perfect at your age.

What's the most encouraging thing somebody has ever said to you when you were looking for your first job?

Well PP, It's been a long time since I've had my first job, but a very wise man told me a long time ago, "If you believe in yourself, you can have any job you go after". So get yourself dressed up, put a big smile on your face, and go get your first job.
What's the most encouraging thing somebody has ever said to you when you were looking for your first job?
You are hired!
Reply:I was told I was over qualified. Made my day.
baby name