Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hi I'm a thirteen year old who live in the Milwaukee area and I'm looking for a job but can't find one

13 and in need of a job but doesn't know where to look
Hi I'm a thirteen year old who live in the Milwaukee area and I'm looking for a job but can't find one
Are you in public school? Have you looked into the public schools' internship programs?

If that won't work for you, I think that your best bet is to try to sell your services in things like lawn care, baby-sitting, running errands, etc.
Reply:im 13 to and i live in Wisconsin and i wanna job too, and i looked on the internet, and it says it's against the law to have a real job 13 or younger, so ull have to stick to babysitting and mowing lawns!!!
Reply:Hi Snookie,,, (cute name)..... being that young it will be difficult to do i am sorry to say....have you thought about cutting yards.... i know it sounds awful.. but i did that ,,, and made good money,,,, about 50 bucks a yard..... depending on the size......

good luck
Reply:LOOK HERE IN DULCE WE HAVE A lot of job openings
Reply:Milwaukee OR? I would make up some flyers and offer a lawn mowing service. Or, you could scoop up their dog poop, take their dogs for walks, clean houses. At most grocery stores you have to be at least 16 to work. Good luck with your job search.
Reply:No one is going to hire a 13 year old. See if you can't babysit for someone.
Reply:hay, im 13 too its sucks i no, but if u really ant a job lie about ur age, i do it all the time, but im lazy and dont want a job
Reply:you are to young and it is against the law for you to be hired

you could always mow lawns do a paper route or babysit
Reply:I think a paper route is your only option. I could be wrong.
Reply:your 13! enjoy not having to work! trust me you'll have the rest of your life to work! be a kid and have fun!
Reply:You are either a pervert looking to abuse children or you are a very dumb child.
Reply:Try a paper route... that's about all you'll find that young.
Reply:Try your local newspaper delivering papers door to door thats what I did when I was your age.

Good luck
Reply:Ha! I'm 16 in NY and can't find a job either. Sucks, doesn't it? Mostly, use people you know and ask around. Offer to babysit, because it pays decent and it's halfway enjoyable.
Reply:Why not try bussing at a local restaraunt. Most places fringe on employing youths under the age of 14 because of insurance purposes..

Walk dogs, child watch, house cleaning/errands for elderly folks.
Reply:You need to put up flyer's in the super market for baby-sitting, clean-up for senior citizens, or lawn care. Make sure you run this by your parents first. Good luck.
Reply:Technically, I don't think 13 year olds can work in Wisconsin. Maybe paper route, like mentioned before.
Reply:you're underage, it's illegal for you to be hired for work.

unless you do what the first person said, or work for neighbors ...how about a babysitter?
Reply:why dont you go babysit kids around ur neighborhood. i think you have to be at least 16 to work somewhere like mcdonalds. when you turn 14 you could wave signs at the corner.
Reply:Do your parents own a business or know someone that own a small business? They could be willing to hire you and pay you under the table.

You could try a paper route, or try selling catalogue stuff like Avon/regal.

Babysitting is an option. I've been there, it's actually a LOT of work for bad pay.

If you're looking for something to and don't need money that much, volunteer or go to a camp to be a Leader/Counsellor in training. Looks great on a resume later on and helps in so many ways, not to mention that Leader/Counsellor in training usually get hired on the next year

Good Luck!
Reply:do some hard labor like me and mow lawns or wash cars. don't expect great pay.
Reply:Oh honey...

Your too young. If someone were to hire you, you would hardly get any hours cause thats child labor. You should work for like a family member to pay you cash... a retail store wont hire you. I work in a small store and we wont hire any one under 20.
Reply:don`t u have to be 14 to have job i`m only 13 and next year i am going to get a job at DQ or at candy kitchen thats were i am going to work at
Reply:i dont know,im lookin' 4 a job too
unisex names

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